Basic Info




<1 (Mentally 8)


April 26th


Genderfluid (They/Them or current presentation)


Demon (1/2 Sloth, 1/4 Gluttony, 1/4 Lust)


Starlight Academy Student - Remedial




Important Info for Commissions 

MASCULINE HEIGHT: 6' BUILD: Tall, Slender & Masculine preteen humanoid. Slug-like body resembles floor-length skirt just over crotch-length in front revealing legs with train that trails about 3' behind them. SKIN COLOUR: Bright Blue, slimy, yellow highlights. APPARENT AGE: 12 HAIR: Light Blue gloop, chin-length.  EYES: 4 eyestalks. 2 longer on either side of forehead, 2 shorter on either side of chin. SCARS/MARKINGS: None.  MAIN OUTFIT: School Uniform or No Clothes (No nipples). OTHER IMPORTANT TRAITS: Anemone-like tail on "skirt" with yellow petals. No ears, slits for nose and mouth. No teeth, but toothed tongue-like radula in mouth. PERSONALITY: Lazy, cuddly, hungry. Bright, sweet, mentally 8 child. Enjoys hugs and watching people/tv when they're awake. Usually asleep. Eats literally everything.

FEMININE HEIGHT: 5'5" BUILD: Tall, Slender & Feminine preteen humanoid. Slug-like body resembles floor-length skirt just over crotch-length in front revealing legs with train that trails about 2'5" behind them. SKIN COLOUR: Bright Pink, slimy, yellow highlights. APPARENT AGE: 12 HAIR: Light Pink gloop, chin-length.  EYES: 4 eyestalks. 2 longer on either side of forehead, 2 shorter on either side of chin. SCARS/MARKINGS: None.  MAIN OUTFIT: School Uniform or No Clothes (No nipples). OTHER IMPORTANT TRAITS: Anemone-like tail on "skirt" with yellow petals. No ears, slits for nose and mouth. No teeth, but toothed tongue-like radula in mouth.

Appearance Description: At 6' (masculine) or 5'5" (feminine), Caramel is unusually tall for a 12 year old in either gender presentation. They are clearly non-human. In both forms, they have the general build of a slender human preteen wearing a floor-length skirt that's just over crotch-length in front to reveal their legs and has a train that trails about 3'/2'5" behind them. About where a tail would be on the train, there is a decorative anemone-like apendage with yellow petals. On top of Caramel's head, there is a cream white snail shell, slightly larger than their head, that appears to be a hat but is actually part of them. Their hair is not hair, but chin-length gloop. Instead of eyes, they have four eyestalks that can move independently - two longer ones on either side of their forehead, and two shorter ones on either side of their chin. Caramel has no facial features except a slit for their nose and mouth. When they open their mouth, they have no teeth, but a long tongue-like radula. 

Aside from height and colouring, there is not much difference between Caramel's two forms. They remain biologically intersex, with no nipples, the waist of their "skirt" concealing both sets of sex organs. Their more masculine form has bright blue colouring, their more feminine form is pink. 

Their entire body, except their head shell, is slimy and squishy, with no bones. They actually leave a trail of slippery slime wherever they touch. When moving, they squish their entire upper body, except two longer eyestalks, into their head shell, fold up their legs, and slide around using their train. 

They will wear the school uniform grudgingly, but usually prefer to wear as little as possible, and any clothes they do wear generally end up coated in slime. They are capable of speech, but have the accent of a person who can't hear their own voice. 

Personality Description:

Aesthetic Board

Caramel is an eternal spectator who would sit and eat popcorn while the world went mad around them. Themself very laid back and go with the flow, they do enjoy adding to surrounding chaos if they can do it without effort. Easily amused, they have an immature and somewhat unintentionally cruel sense of humour. Overly amused by pratfalls - people slipping on banana peels, etc. They have no real concept of physical pain, and think people being hurt is funny, especially their siblings. 

Caramel is so lazy that they are almost completely apathetic to everything, including their own impending death, entertaining themselves by watching tv when they can't watch people, and pretty much only motivated to move by hunger or their craving for physical affection. In spite of this, they are a bright, sweet child, and very cuddly. 

Caramel is a voracious devourer of media, especially educational kid's shows like the Magic School Bus. They have a great ability for recitation and rote memory, but don't care about the info learned, memorizing things just to avoid having to think for themself. Even with heavy media consumption, the demon usually doesn't get references, but will just smile and nod because asking questions is effort. 

The child that uses cuteness, sweet talk, and feigned politeness to get what they want, which is usually food, hugs, and a good view, Caramel isn't completely hard hearted, but they are selfish. They won't step up to protect someone, but they'll be a quiet shoulder to cry on after, as long as they get physical affection from it. 

Active Abilities: 

Minor Body Alteration - Can change from masculine or feminine appearance and can change their coloration. Masculine is blue and taller than feminine, which is pink. Though their builds become more masculine or femine, including breasts, Caramel is always intersex, with no nipples. 

Passive Abilities: 

Glutton - Can and does eat anything they can fit in their mouth and down their throat, but their mouth doesn't open much wider than a normal human. Since they have no teeth, they prefer things soft or liquified, especially since if something takes any effort to eat, they're liable to fall asleep while eating it. They can digest even things that are normally toxic without illness or injury. Requires 5x as much food as a regular human to stay healthy. 

Demonic Snail/Slug Physiology -
- no normal teeth, but has a radula (a minutely toothed, chitinous ribbon, which is typically used for scraping or cutting food before the food enters the esophagus.) The teeth of the radula are diamond sharp. They could easily rip through a regular human's epidermis in one lick, and even metal would be scraped, but any lick wounds would be shallow, as the teeth are only about 1.5mm long.
- head shell is hard enough to stop small callibre bullets at close range.
- squishy and stretchy, with no bones, they can fit their entire upper body into their head shell and stretch their lower half out to about 30' male/25' female. Makes them skinny enough to squish in anywhere they can fit their shell.
- slimy flesh - leaves a slippery slime trail that they can track by smell, dissolves in 15 minutes or can be removed with vinegar. Also enables them to stick to any solid surface including glass, prevents them from tripping.
- aquatic - can swim, awkwardly, and breath underwater as well as on land.
- 4 eyes on eyestalks which can move independently of each other allow them to look in four directions at once, though they only have normal human eyesight otherwise.

Tranquilizing Blood - Bleeds purplish blood that stains like permanent marker and acts as a powerful tranquilizer when ingested. Less than a teaspoon could knock out a full grown adult human in a minute, more would work even faster. Effects last about 15 minutes. Blood loses its potency 15 minutes after being removed from their body. This bypasses regular poison/drug immunity, but not magic resistance. 

Wall climber - Can use their slime to climb in any direction, including walls, and even the ceiling. It's sticky enough for them to fall asleep on whatever surface they climb. They could climb a wall, but not the ceiling, with someone holding them, up to 150lbs. 

Enhanced smell - Predatory sense of smell. Can smell a sibling 50' away, and track them by scent up to 15 minutes from the time they left. Can distinguish most species by smell, and distinguish sloth hellions from the others. Overwhelmed by strong scents. Vinegar especially makes them nauseous. 

Regeneration - Rapid regeneration of all body parts, except head shell, while resting and eating. Seconds for minor cuts, minutes for major wounds, about an hour for limbs. Doing anything more strenuous than eating doubles the time needed to regenerate. Heals normally if not eating. 

Enhanced Strength - Can lift and carry about 1 1/2 tons. 

Instinctual Knowledge - Caramel knows the fundamentals of a young human 8 to 14 years of age (basic math, speech, writing, science, etc) as well as knowledge of English, Latin, Abyssal (only sloth, gluttony, lust), and ASL. As to maturity, they're about 8 years old and unlikely to age further than that. Instinctual knowledge also allows them to automatically know the abilities of their mother Nasci and their siblings. Even if they never met, they would automatically “know” what their other siblings are and what their siblings are capable of. 

Aura of Sleepiness - Emits an aura that causes anyone within arm's length to feel drowsy or tired. Those whom are already tired may fall asleep. Only affects beings/creatures with the ability to sleep. In combination with their blood could knock a person out in seconds. 

Apathy - Unable to process physical pain, though they can still feel nauseous or uncomfortable and are still affected by injuries. 


Limited lifespan - Started off with a lifespan of about a year that they increased to 5 by cannibalizing any sibling that got close enough. Aged rapidly (about a month) to a physical preteen then stopped. Appearance-wise won't age, just slowly stops moving or processing brain's commands, until they're basically in a coma and body eats itself. When it comes to extending their lifespan, they can potentially hunt down any of their surviving siblings and absorb their life essence upon killing them. Upon killing a sibling, their remaining lifespan is added upon the one who killed (example, if sibling A kills sibling B, sibling A’s lifespan will just to 10 – 40 years instead of 5 – 20 years). If they were to absorb the essence of Nasci they steal their mother's immortality. The mother-slayer must then be careful or their remaining siblings may hunt them and kill them to steal their newly acquired immortality for themselves. 

Narcolepsy - Prone to falling asleep randomly at any time, but especially when emotional, or making effort. Or if they've eaten a lot. 

Electricity Weakness - Electric current causes them to lose control of their body, shutting it down, and shutting off their regeneration while being shocked. Even static shock is dangerous, while a taser is potentially fatal. 

Holy weakness - Holy weapons/magic do double damage and won't heal without magic. Holy water and crosses melt through their skin like acid and won't heal without magic. Can't enter church or other Abrahamic places of worship. Repelled by any object of faith used by a believer. 

Slimy - If not immersed in water (salt or fresh) for at least 4 hours a day, will gradually "dry out", losing their slime, along with their ability to walk, as well as making them more tired. Even a day without immersion halves their speed, leaving them completely unable to move in about a week. With partial immersion they can extend this to a month at most. They would have to be immersed for as much time as they missed before being able to crawl again. 

Salt weakness - Pure table salt on their skin bypasses regeneration and prevents any wounds from healing until it's washed off. Can't cross a line of salt. 

Copper weakness - Touching objects made of pure copper with bare skin, such as copper foil or tape, knocks them unconscious for a couple minutes. 

Slow Moving - Moves, whether crawling, climbing, or swimming, at about half a regular human walking speed and unable to run. Sluggish movements with no reflexes to speak of. 

Hard of Hearing - Is deaf in a typical sense and instead "hears" by detecting vibrations in the air. Can't hear anything quieter than normal speech up to 10' away, quieter than a yell up to 25' away. Isn't hurt or overwhelmed by sounds, but has a hard time deciphering words from background sounds, and more than one person speaking at once is nearly unintelligible. 

Head Shell - Destroy their shell completely (break into multiple pieces or otherwise. Cracks, dents, and even pieces broken off are not enough as long as 2/3 of the shell is intact) and they disintegrate in minutes. This is fatal. Removing it is not immediately fatal by itself - as long as it is not destroyed and is reattached within 30 minutes. 

Common Magical Items: Aura Warning Bracelet - While not actually magical, Manta Carlos distributes customized bracelets for those with auras. Depending on the shape and color, people can tell at a glance the approximate range and nature of the aura of the wearer. 

Biography: One of Nasci's surviving 23 children born April 26, 2018. Caramel survived by eating some siblings that were knocked out trying to eat them. They then climbed up a wall to get a better view of the chaos and promptly fell asleep. Soon, they were separated from the rest of their siblings and put under the care of the school. Rapid aging meant that they could be put in remedial classes once it was clear they could be around other people. Their instinctual knowledge not adequate for regular classes. In addition they tend to spend the bulk of their time asleep, unable to keep to a normal schedule. 

Resources: Currently in care of school and receives a small allowance for food and extras.