


10 months, 15 days ago


Common Name: Delta Scientific Name: Achillobator Habitat: Montane Forest Diet: Carnivorous Temperament: Aggressive
Distinctive Features:
  • Distinct colours
  • Unusual bone structure
Height: 1.25 meters Length: 4.1 meters Weight: 210 kgs


Delta has a series of spikes or osteoderms that start from the top of its head and continue down the spine, decreasing in size as they reach the tail. This feature is not consistent with scientific reconstructions of the species. If we were to speculate about a dinosaur with such features, it might suggest a form of pathology like osteodysplasia— a disorder that could result in abnormal bone growth— or a unique genetic mutation that resulted in such distinctive osteoderms.

Behavior & Biology

Hunting and Feeding Behaviour: The Achillobator was likely a formidable predator. Its large size, powerful legs, and sickle-shaped claws suggest that it was well-adapted for ambushing and overpowering medium to large-sized prey. It may have used stealth and speed to surprise its prey, quickly subduing it with its weight and sharp claws. The Achillobator's robust and deep snout indicates it might have been capable of delivering powerful bites, suitable for handling larger, struggling prey.

Social Behaviour: The social behaviour of Achillobator is not well understood. Like other dromaeosaurids, it might have been a solitary hunter or could have hunted in small groups. If it did hunt in groups, these dinosaurs might have used coordinated tactics to take down larger prey, similar to how modern pack predators like wolves operate.


Mountainous Terrain: The montane habitat implies a landscape with varying elevations, including hills and possibly lower mountains. This terrain would have offered Achillobator a diverse range of hunting grounds, from forested slopes to more open, rocky areas. The rugged terrain would have required this dinosaur to be agile and capable of navigating steep and uneven surfaces.

Vegetation and Flora: Montane regions typically feature a variety of vegetation, ranging from dense forests in lower and more humid areas to sparser, shrub-like plants in higher or drier zones. This diverse flora would have supported a rich ecosystem, providing food and shelter for a range of herbivorous prey that Achillobator might have hunted.

Adaptations to Terrain: As a predator in a montane region, Achillobator would have needed strong, powerful limbs for climbing and descending rugged terrains. Its sickle-shaped claws might have been useful not only for capturing prey but also for aiding in movement across steep and uneven surfaces.


I don't know why but I love calling him boney boy, will update more fun trivia in the future~

value: 80$