


5 years, 9 months ago


Titania Gregor



Element Titanium
Gender Female
"Age" 25
"Birthday" March 8
Height 179cm
Romantic/sexual orientation Hetero
Relationship status Single
Nationality Cornish-German
MBTI ESTP (“The Entrepreneur”)
Job Pilot, ex-fitness trainer

"Make sure not to overexert yourself, exercise is important but resting is too!"


Titania can be summed up in two words: Butch straight. Basically she likes to exercise, she's really tall, and she has... well, let's say an ample chest, only this bothers her because she feels it makes her look too stereotypical. Also she and Alumina have a Romantic Two-Girl Friendship, which, in addition to what's listed under that link, includes things like how they jokingly flirt with each other. Anyway though, as you've probably guessed from her outfit, she works as a pilot, and unlike Alumina is actually commercially licensed, and so isn't living in the Periodic Apartments a lot of the time but does visit whenever she gets some time off.


Alumina: Her closest friend, the two of them hang out whenever they can. While in reality they have a mentor/mentee type dynamic, it can be hard to tell due to the fact that they have a long running inside joke where they pretend to be dating..

Stann: They became friends through Alumina, however she ships the two of them HARD and often invites them to the same place at the same time, then makes an excuse and leaves them alone together.

Magnolia: They also became friends through Alumina and are very close due to both shipping Aluma and Stann, although she's started to notice Magnolia has been acting kinda odd around her lately.

Trivia (WIP)

● Likes: Airplanes, geography, working out

● Dislikes: Her chest, people making assumptions about her chest, people insulting her because of her chest, etc.

● Because her element is used in sunscreen, she tans really slowly.

● content

profile html by Hukiolukio