
10 months, 10 days ago

Basic Info


Male (He/Him)


Mutated Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)


5'11" / 1.8 m


200 lb / 90.72


6 (chronologically) 34 (fox years, biologically)


He was just an ordinary red fox, going about its life like any other fox across the world. Nothing strange had happened in his life, until one fateful day, that would change him and the world forever. He was stalking his latest prey when it happened. An unwitting albino rabbit hopping through the woods, unaware that death was watching from the bushes. The fox waited until it was perfectly poised to strike, and the moment it leapt into view, the white rabbit began to flee, and our fox gave chase. They ran for a while, narrowly dodging trees and shrubs, less the fox lose its prey or the rabbit lose its life. The two eventually began to run next to a cliff face, with a waterfall that overlooked a large lake. The fox's jaws were about to clamp down on the rabbit's behind when suddenly, the fox lost its footing, tripping on a root, slipping off the ground, and plummeting into the lake below. On any other day it would be no big deal, the fox would swim to safety, and live to hunt another day. But earlier that morning, a truck carrying very important cargo, glowing green fluids inside large barrels, drove by the lake. The latch on the back of the truck had not been properly sealed, and the barrels of fluid had tumbled out and into the lake. It was this contaminated lake that the fox had fallen straight into. Completely submerged, the fox's anatomy began to radically change. His brain more than doubled in size and capacity for intelligence. His bone structure changed entirely, taking a humanoid form. His biology shifted, stretched, and morphed, organs taking new shapes and growing new parts. It happened within a minute. By the time the process was complete, the fox had come to, swimming to the shore,