
6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Sightless Hunter


Cho is a Demonic Hunter, which is basically a bounty hunter who happens to be a demon. He's a tad on the wild side, and he is very regal at times. And other times he's a doof. A doof that leads the realms' strongest hunters. His fellow hunters have nothing but respect for him, even if they doubt it sometimes and would rather their leader not bite a tin can.

Originally, he was made for the Muscle Department, but he was... rather small. Coming in as only five foot four, the other strength based demons hardly took him seriously. And due to his size, he was comparatively weak. The only reason he didn't end up dead was his wild nature. His energy is one of the few things that let him keep up with all the other demons in his department. 

Still they mocked him. Still in the fights they'd all team against him. Weakness is looked down on. So... in these 'play fights' he'd have to fight seriously, or risk death. He'd bite, he'd gore, he'd scream. And after he'd nurse his wounds, hissing as he regrew what was lost. 'Father' was gentle with him, but only because 'Father' did view Cho as someone to fear. So he thought of an idea for Cho to try.


Go to the Deep Forest. There's a place there that could use a strong, feral being like him.

So he did leave, with 'Father's blessing. And eventually, with a bit of 'Sister's guidance, he made it to the Deep Forest. Where he spent what felt like ages, looking for this place. Monsters and terrifying things attacked him. And he fought, slowly learning how to more fight like the animals that tried to kill him. Once he stopped being scared of the forest, he made it to the Hunters' Lodge. Where he met a few members, who brought him in gladly.

He had found his place.

Which soon became leading the pack. Claws, teeth, and antlers. He became known as a feral hunter. Not only because of his time in the forest, but because he was... a doof. He was crazy. In a good way.

It wasn't long after becoming leader he slipped into the human world, maybe accidentally scared someone. From the fainted human, he stole boots and a sword. A magic sword that could change lengths. And of course, he deemed the boots to be just as magic cause they could do something very similar.

He does have a strong honor code, and refuses to kill beings that have a higher level of sentience. Which puts at least 99% of humans on the spare list.

Now, Cho is technically blind. He sees through echolocation and a thing similar to seismic sense. He can 'see' textures, outlines, depth and his 'sight' goes all around him. His boots mess with his ability to 'see' but he puts the comfort and apparent fashion of them over his ability to know his surroundings.

He is very skilled with his rapier, not that it's practical for hunting, but he makes it work. He knows some magic, most of it learned from the other hunters.