
5 years, 9 months ago


Name Aiyue Xu
Gender Female
Height 5'6"
Age Died 27
Species Forget Me Not Angel (rkzn)
Flower Magnolias
Ethnicity Chinese
Wing Type White wings
Creator raiku1412
Worth $30
General About

Aiyue Xu, also referred to as Ai, is a generally soft spoken but considerate woman. She's passionate about what she loves though tries to always remain level headed, especially in rough times. Due to her upbringing, she sometimes has a tendency to be judgemental but tried to quickly correct herself if she catches herself doing so. Ai likes to make others happy and can be described as a "people pleaser", tending to put people before herself, but sometimes will prioritize herself when she needs to. 

She had a bachelor's degree in computer sciences and met her girlfriend in University. She worked at a marketing / web development agency up until she died at 27 in a car collision. 

Aiyue was born in Hong Kong, China, and lived there for 12 years before moving to the US. Although she struggled to fit in at school at first due to her lack of skill in English, she got by alright. She especially looked forward to math class every day, because it was one of the things she could understand the best compared to things like English or American History. Although some people poked fun at her for having an accent, she tried to not let it get to her too much. 

The same general trend continued in high school, where Ai became interested in computer sciences. After taking a class for coding, she started becoming very interested in coding and programming web pages especially. She also played around with some software development and made simple games, though primarily liked how in making programs, she could apply math, thinking and visual aspects. Ai wound up deciding by the end of freshman year that she wanted to pursue computer sciences as a career path.

After she graduated high school and went to university, she met her girlfriend there. They hit it off almost immediately, first as good friends until they both realized they were developing feelings for each other. Although they both struggled a bit with getting their family to accept their relationship, in the end it all worked out with some bumps along the way. After they graduated, Aiyue surprisingly went into web design instead of software development like she wanted to in high school, while her girlfriend went into IT consulting. They had a rather close relationship before Aiyue's death. 


Before she died, she was dating her long time girlfriend that she loved deeply.
Around a week before Christmas, she took her out on a seemingly normal date to the movies and dinner. After dinner at her place (since Ai likes to cook), she was planning to propose to her girlfriend. She planned everything down to the last detail, from what they'd watch to what she herself would wear to the dessert they would have, and then finally to take her out onto the balcony as the full moon was out and propose to her. Though in the end, Ai backed out because the mood wasn't right after dessert. As they parted ways and after her girlfriend drove herself home, Ai wanted so badly to propose to her that same night. After all, she had been wanting to for the past year. (They started dating in junior year of college, so since they were both 21. 6 years dating and they knew each other since freshman year as well.)
Upset and filled with emotions, she decided to drive to her girlfriends place to propose that night. As she headed out, it suddenly started snowing. As it began, Aiyue began to play out the scenarios in her head that could follow after she proposes to her girlfriend.

In the low visibility weather, she drove somewhat slower and more careful. As she stopped for a red light, she began to think about the velvet box in her pocket. She was so overwhelmed with feelings of love and admiration towards her girlfriend it distracted her.

Unknowingly to her, there was a semi truck behind her quickly approaching. Due to the suddenly slippery and snowy roads, the semi truck was unfortunately unable to stop in time and wound up hitting Ai's car, completely totalling it. It killed her instantly.

After she regained conscious, she saw her crushed car and a lot of blood spilling out of it. Sirens were nearby and an ambulance, police, and firefighters were nearby too. At first, she was confused and wondering how she survived or when she got out. Until she listened in on what the policemen were saying. "There's one casualty, it's really bad. We ran the license plate through our system and from the looks of it, the person in the car is most likely... Aiyue Xu. There was a wallet with her ID on the body "
She tried to speak out to them only to be ignored, until she took a closer look at the car, the body, and herself. The crushed car, the barely open door, the driver still in the seat, the clothes and blood, and her own wings, flowers blooming all around her as if mocking her everywhere she walked.

There seemed to be another angel waiting for her, yet she didn't want to leave. She kept thinking of her girlfriend and the life they could have had together. The deep pain in her heart didn't want her to move from where she was standing, but somehow she watched herself walk towards a bright, bright light.

((FMN stuff happens and she continues to wander the world as an angel in search for love, which becomes difficult since she no longer has a physical body to speak with her girlfriend. Often she finds herself at her old home as new people move in, or her girlfriends place and hugs her without actually touching her or being able to feel her.))


  • Aiyue's flowers are magnolias, which symbolize love, feminine beauty, and life. Occasionally, the moon as well.
  • The characters for her name (Aiyue) mean Love Moon directly translated (Xu is Surname).
  • She can be drawn with or without her scarf.
  • She speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and English fluently, though occasionally is unable to pronounce some English words. Her written Chinese skill is also only that of around a 7th grader, because she left China when she was 12. 

  • Her girlfriend
  • Organizing things, especially her apartment 
  • Cooking her own meals  
  • Reminiscing of the past 
  • Watching dramas 
  • Hong Kong style milk tea
  • Winter and snow, but only if she doesn't have to go out

  • Really hot/dry/humid weather
  • Homophobes and racists
  • Unfairly judgemental people
  • Crowded places (reminds her of Hong Kong) 
  • Being overworked 
  • Cockroaches (again, reminds her of Hong Kong)
  • Student debt 


Similar to Ai, Yun also died in a car accident, however prior to Ai. He happened to witness the accident and when Ai became an FMN, though was at first hesitant to approach her. Eventually though, he went up to her and comforted her. They later on became good friends and Ai often remarks on how much she appreciates him being there for her. 

Yun friend

Aiyue happened to stumble upon a bad car accident that killed both David and Yun. Immediately remembering how she felt when she had just became an FMN, and remembering how confusing it was at first, she humbly approached the two and asked them if they were alright. Through this, they became acquaintances.

David friend

Aiyue happened to stumble upon a bad car accident that killed both David and Yun. Immediately remembering how she felt when she had just became an FMN, and remembering how confusing it was at first, she humbly approached the two and asked them if they were alright. Through this, they became acquaintances.

Name relationship

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