


5 years, 9 months ago


Sapphira Frasch



Element Sulfur
Gender Female
"Age" 21
"Birthday" March 23
Height 165cm
Romantic/sexual orientation Bi
Relationship status Dating Meghan and Flora, crush on Aurelianus
Nationality Greek-Chinese
MBTI ESFP ("The Entertainer")
Job Vintner

"Hey you, I'll give you a lemon pie if you tell Aurelianus I'm cute. Or... or maybe you'd prefer something else that's just as delicious. ;)"


Sapphira is a simple girl with simple hobbies, she loves gardening, cooking, winemaking and um... chasing Aurelianus. To be exact she's kind of a yandere for him, kind of because she (probably) wouldn't go so far as to hurt someone. That may sound weird, but 1. this is a thing 2. sulfur's main allotrope looks like a crown (plus, as you can see, to reference this further she also wears a crown). She also has quite a big ego since she's all too aware of how attractive she is and seems to think everyone wants a piece of her, when in reality it's mostly just Meghan and Flora. (She also has a strong fascination with the sea for some reason.)


Meghan: Her no.1 girlfrend, they met early on and quickly fell for each other. Near inseparable, she would do anything for her.

Flora: These two happened to meet by chance after Flora and Xavier parted ways, and once again they were quickly head over heels.

Aurelianus: Zig-zags over the line betwen legal and illegal acts in her pursuit of him, totally self-deluded into beliving he secretly loves her back.

Phoenix: Her brother, when he's not ruining her schemes to get with Aurelianus, she actualy looks up to him.


● Likes: Cooking, Gardening, Swimming, Occult stuff, Photography

● Dislikes: People who don't like her back

● She loves loves LOVES lemons, almost everything she cooks has them in.

● She also has a weird fascination with certain numbers, to be exact multiples of 8 and numbers that end in 6.

● As part of her job she makes wine for this company.

● Don't be surprised if she claims to be a queen or a demon or something like that, that's just her ego talking. ...In our world at least...

profile html by Hukiolukio