


5 years, 9 months ago


Meghan/Maayan Wetterhahn



Element Mercury
Gender AFAB Genderfluid
"Age" 18
"Birthday" December 12
Height 158cm (female/agender form); 163cm (male form)
Romantic/sexual orientation Bi
Relationship status Dating Sapphira
Nationality Japanese-Chinese
MBTI ESFP ("The Entertainer")
Job Fisher

"What kinds of things do you like, 'cause I bet I like them too!"


The first thing you should know about Meghan is that she is kind of eccentric, not completely insane like you'd expect from an element like her, but still crazy enough that you can tell something is off about her. Because of this Meghan has a few odd quirks, one of which being that she is extremely cheery and talkative. Like, REALLY talkative. As in anyone who gets into a conversation with her won't be able to get a word in edgewise until she runs out of breath,* although that being said, she does have some quiet moments every once in awhile. (that last part being a reference to how mercury's electron configuration is similar to the noble gases'.)

Another thing she does is... follow people around. Yeah it's as creepy as it sounds, but it gets weirder. Have you ever heard of the saying "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"? That basically sums up this habit of her's since not only does she follow people, she copies everything they do, even going so far as to take up their hobbies. She does does this because, to be honest, she's a bit of an attention seeker and mistakenly believes that copying people will impress them and make them like you, when in reality nearly everyone in the apartments finds it annoying. Another problem with her attention seeking is that she's quite naïve and is likely to believe whatever people tell her, going along with it without really thinking so that they'll like her, but thankfully the worst thing that's happened so far is that she doesn't realise how creepy Sapphira's actions are.

Now, that last paragraph may have sounded bizarre, but in addition to what I already told you, it's actually a reference to the fact that mercury is liquid at room temperature, and as you know liquids take the shape of their container, so that's why she copies people. As for Mercury being eccentric, as you may have guessed, that's a reference to one of the most well known symptoms of mercury poisoning, loss of sanity, with another being the pink she has on her cheeks and fingers, her light grey skin on the other hand is just a her thing.

Next in this very long profile, Meghan's genderfluidity. Because she identifies as female most of the time, she prefers female pronouns, but male and neutral ones are fine too. On the days she is female, her name is Meghan, and on the days when he is male, his name is Maayan. Sometimes they don't identify as either male or female, and in those cases they prefers to just be called Mercury. When she's female, her personalty is as described above, and when he's/Mercury's male or neither, he's/Mercury's a bit calmer to the point where he/Mercury rambles in conversations is toned down (although not completely).

Leading on from that, she's a shape-shifter too. Now normally in fiction shape-shifters can turn into a large array of things with few if any drawbacks, however in real life there are a ton of problems with this, mainly conservation of mass,** which is bad news for Meghan because since I'm aware of this, her shape-shifting is limited by the fact that she can only change into things with the same mass as her original from. However, if I were to leave it there it'd be kinda lame, so I thought up a way around it. Since Mercury is, well, mercury, if she's in contact with a source of mercury, for example a puddle or a bottle of it, she can adsorb it to allow herself to turn into something bigger or expel the mercury in her body to shrink.

However there are still some problems that's can't be avoided, but since it'd take forever to describe them all (plus this is really long already), I'll just talk about the main 2. First, as you can imagine shape-shifting puts a considerable strain on her body and mind (even if she is a little crazy), so she doesn't shape-shift very often. Secondly, when she does shape-shift, holding a form that is larger or smaller then her normal one is really difficult, so she tries to avoid staying in one of those forms for long periods of time. Oh, and one last thing, another affect of her shape-shifting is that she's double jointed.

*Obviously she doesn't start rambling every time someone says something to her, but she still does it a lot.

**Also see this.


Sapphira: Her idol, they met early on and quickly fell for each other. Near inseparable, she would do anything for her.

Flora: While not officially dating, these two are very loving towards each other.

Aurelianus: She thinks he's a super cool guy, always chatting and clinging to him when they happen to meet, which isn't often.


● Likes: Talking to people, Following people, Swimming

● Dislikes: Hurting people, Having no-one to talk to

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profile html by Hukiolukio