Basic Info


Solrus Auburn


uhhh... 15? we'll go with 15




late 2014


What happens when you combine mice, carrots, and ninjas? You get Solrus Auburn. He was born in a humble little village that prided itself on its carrot farms. However, this village would often get picked on, harassed, and sometimes even raided by neighboring villages, so he took it upon herself to leave the village temporary to become, you guessed it! A carrot ninja! A ninja that uses sharpened carrots in place of kunai! While out at training, he stumbled upon a mask. He thinks its cool looking, so he takes it along, not realizing its cursed and probably plotting his inevitable downfall. This is fine, because as soon as he finished ninja school(learning how to FIRE AN ORB OF CONDENSED ENERGY FROM A PENDENT ON HER TAIL happened in there somewhere) he'd come home to discover his whole village had gone and left. This confused him since he never got a letter about anything and everything seemed to be left rather suddenly.

Regardless, he'd then set off to search for his missing village, but get sidetracked by the troubles of a young, flower-wearing girl-mouse who was being pursued viciously by evil forces completely unseen. The same entity would severely injure Solrus' right eye to a point of blindness and also possess him in order to get his hands on his friend. It was pretty wild ngl.

As for his personality, he's very caring about the safety of those he cares about and is willing to go far for them. Maybe a little too far it could be argued. He's kinda lost vision in one eye because of this complex of his. He should take better care of himself.

As for abilities, he has.... good physical prowess I guess? I mean he still got jabbed in the eye so he can't be that good. As previously mentioned, he's able to form an orb of energy using the pendent dangling on his tail and then swing it into his target. No! I don't know how he learned that or what that has to do with him learning how to be a ninja! He took a couple too many notes from Pokémon while in school I think!