Sarah Tyrath



5 years, 8 months ago


Full Reference Sheet


Name Sarah Tyrath [aka "Echo"]
Age 19 years
Gender Female
Species Deviant
Theme Just a Game


Courage ★ ★
Kindness ★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity ★ ★ ★ ★
Charisma ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Height 5'4" -- 162 cm
Build Lanky, scrawny
Eyes Red-orange
Skin Tan, peachy
Hair Short, dark brown, peach fuzz on shoulders



Bat Physiology: Sarah was born with the mutation gene for bat physiology, meaning she has wings, ears, tail, and feet similar to that of a bat's. She also has small fangs for crunching fruit and some thin fur around her back and shoulders. She has dew claws that she uses to grip onto things vertically and small claws on each of her wings' fingers. Her ears are long and sensitive to high and low frequencies behind human range of hearing. She uses effective echolocation by emitting little chirps (sometimes above human range of hearing, sometimes just within range) and has the ability to use these chirps as a supersonic bat screech, which can confuse opponents and give her time to flee or strike back. She is also nocturnal and is most often spotted at nighttime.

History at a Glance

Sarah grew up in Camden, New Jersey and was 4 years old when she was hit by a car and forced to go into surgery. This triggered her deviancy and caused her mutation to develop: her wings started sprouting just weeks after recovery from the injuries. As she grew older, her wings, ears, and other traits manifested more strongly, and she learned to fly as her wings finished growing and became fully-functional. She started flying only at nighttime, but people living in Camden started raising attention for the return of the Jersey Devil--Sarah's flight patterns and appearance were misleading from a distance. This didn't stop fanatics from swarming the town trying to capture it, and one group of hunters succeeded in trapping Sarah for a rich couple wealthy enough to house her and charge people to visit. She spent roughly a year there before breaking out and flying back to Camden, where she revealed everything about her powers to the local press to ward off any other hunters. She attended a private school with other deviants for a few semesters and then moved to New York, where she started taking online classes to pursue a civil engineering degree and raise awareness for deviants.


  • Tiny animals
  • Yoga
  • Tiger lilies
  • Reading
  • Braiding her hair


  • Brushing through her hair
  • Washing her back
  • Cats
  • Snakes
  • Circuses, zoos


  • Favorite snack is dried crickets
  • Proficient at violin
  • Wants her own library someday
  • Treasures her Yankees baseball cap
  • Prefers to sleep curled in her wings



Sarah thinks of Crally as an oversized teddy bear who loves her very much. She wouldn't go so far as to say he's like a pet, but he caters to her like one and she thinks it's adorable. She appreciates his devotion to her and tries to act the same towards him. She doesn't know what she'd do without him and would never leave him.

Yep this is a pictureDonovan Vatore

Sarah is grateful to Donny for rescuing her and taking her under his wing. She's still not entirely convinced he sees her as an equal, but she appreciates his affection and hopes she's doing enough to make him happy.

HTML by lowkeywicked