


6 years, 2 months ago


Oshii Flash Blade

Name Oshii
Age 18
Gender Male
Race Kemono
Height 5'8"
Build Lean
Weight 148lbs
Title Scout

"It's not your fault.."

Magic, knights, kings and demons. Oshii grew up in a world with many dangerous threats and fantastical people. The oldest of two and a bonafied mama's boy. Oshii was a loving and protective older brother. His two best friends were two brother's Yuta and Shiba. Being close with them since they were toddlers he accepted the brothers despite their large differences with eachother. His parents both worked at a university for teaching magic and combat. Oshii himself was trained to profeciency with the sword. He has some light electric magic control, but mostly uses his mastery over magic to enhance his speed and preform fast strikes.


  • Bubbly
  • Energetic
  • Dramatic
  • Optimistic
  • Sensitive
  • Adventurous

Oshii can be described as bubbly and playful. He doesn't tend to take things too seriously unless forced. Positive and outgoing, he's that kid that plucked the silent, weird kid from the corner and brings him into the group. He likes exploring and meeting new people. His mood is easily affected by negativity. Oshii is sensitive, but he does bounce back from bad moods quickly and easily. When he adores someone, he's open about it and has no problem sending flowery compliments in that person's direction. Giving him lots of praise is an easy way to get on his good side. Oshii loves attention and praise. You literally can't give him enough..


There was a lot of pressure on Oshii as far as expectations. Having grown up with parents who were both established in magic and combat, he had a lot to live up to. Despite this, he isn't the type to crumble under pressure. If anything Oshii showed an affinity for enhancement magic and swordplay. Oshii is the oldest of only two brothers. His brother did not share the same father. That made no difference to him. He was very close to his little brother for the time they had together. As it turned out, his mother had gotten involved with a tyrant king some years ago, and he heard about his offspring sometime later. When Zaki was only 6 and Oshii was eight the king from the neighboring country sent a couple of spies to kidnap their his brother. Zaki was stolen from them, and there was no way to get him back once he was sealed away in the castle of that tyrant king. Oshii swore when he got older he would take his brother back. The whole ordeal left the young boy very distraught. No one was able to console him for a long time until he found solace from an unexpected source. One of his close friends for as long as he could remember, Yuta, finally got through to him. Even though Yuta seemed like a quiet and strange kid, he was the first one to tell Oshii he would help get his brother back. The solidarity he felt with him that day solidified their friendship forever. He had already been very close to his brother Shiba. The more outgoing of the two, Shiba and Oshii had gotten along famously. Oshii didn't know Yuta had that sort of compassion within him.

Years proved to divide them in the end. Yuta became a bit more of a shut-in and started to involved with some dark magic. His work ostracized him to the point where Oshii couldn't pull him back into their familiar social circles. Yuta's brother Shiba ended up becoming a highly revered and talented knight and even got nominated to be the princess'. Oshii suspected the contrast between Shiba and Yuta further accentuated Yuta's questionable activities. There was also a strain between those two brothers. Oshii was still very friendly with Yuta despite the rumors of him practicing necromancy. Maybe the last one. Oshii himself ended up becoming a scout. He was focusing on exploring and going to find his brother. At 18 Oshii was now able to travel the world on his own accord. Unfortunately, Yuta got himself into trouble. Reanimated corpses attacked the castle and nearly got to the princess. Luckily her bodyguard, Shiba was strong, and the creatures were quickly dealt with. When the source was traced, the only person they could find responsible was Yuta. He was going to be sentenced to death until Shiba vouched for him and lowered his sentence to banishment. However, Shiba lost his knighthood as a result. A bitter consequence he does not forgive Yuta for. Still, with him freed from his duties Shiba was free to help Oshii take his little brother back. Rumors spread to their land of an uprising in the neighboring country that Zaki had been living for the last decade. The people were fed up with the mistreatment of the king, and a large militia had risen and overwhelmed the palace-military. Oshii and Shiba rushed over as fast as they could, but by the time the two of them reached the castle they were too late. It was raided and demolished, the king slew and Zaki was nowhere to be found. Despite desperate searching, they were never able to find his little brother. Oshii was devastated, returning home without his brother was one of the hardest moments of his life. What the two of them didn't know is that Zaki was scooped up by Yuta just hours before the break-in and is now residing with him currently.

Skills & Abilities

Speed Burst
Oshii's bread and butter. He raises his agility to crazy level.

Charged Blade
Electrically charging his sword to increase damage and sharpness

Electric Parry
When deflecting attacks he can charge a pulse into his blade knock his target back with great force

Electricity Vamp
Oshii can absorb other electric based attacks and repurpose them for himself
























Oshii is a happy-go-lucky catboy who has fallen on some tough times. Having his little brother stolen away at 8 set him on the path to train and become stronger. He always admired Shiba's skills as a warrior. And his brother Yuta having a kind heart despite his troubled demeanor. Despite all his enthusiasm he is quite unlucky and it seems the people around him are as well. Yuta getting banned for a necro magic related incident and Shiba losing his knighthood as a result. Oshii tried to save his brother from the angry mob that was storming his castle in another country. He could not find him once he got there and laments at his own weakness for losing him in the first place. In light of all that Oshii tries his best to look forward there are always new things rearing their ugly heads and causing trouble. Life is a never ending adventure and Oshii came prepared..


  • Oshii gave Zaki a necklace with a blue star pendant so he would always have something of him.
  • He has had romantic encounters with both Yuta and Shiba.
  • Has star shaped pupils.
  • Is currently super into Shiba.







Best friend(former)



Love interest
