Ospreyfur! WC:Forgotten Ties



9 months, 19 days ago




19 Moons

Idk he's pretty tall

Kitty cat :3

WC Warrior

OspreyFur . . .
"My wails will not change the way you veiw me, so why bother?"
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Ospreyfur is a tall and lanky cat. His fur is as black as night, with a few strips of silver gracing the tips of his fur, just as an Osprey does. Despite being skinny and lanky, he is much larger than your avarage cat. He is blind in one eye, but his good eye is a vibrant orange. Ospreyfur has one single scar, a large flesh-colored patch that runs from the base of his neck, all the way to the base of his tail.

Osprey fur is very calm and collected. He is a daydreamer, and often spends his time thinking about being somewhere else. He is curious about many things and is always exploring and learning. Something very important to him in keeping his mind clear and peaceful. He doesn’t get angry or overwhelmed easily, but he doesn’t often get very happy either. He is very neutral. Although, it seemed like ever since he could remember, he always had a sort of darkness lurking in the back of his mind. Something that he worked hard to just push down, and ignore.


Ospreyfur has always been a much more calm and quiet cat. He always seemed to have his head in the clouds, his mind somewhere else. He never showed as much interest in being a warrior as the other kits and apprentices. But he never seemed to want to be a medicine cat either. Often, you could find him out exploring. Memorizing every plant and what it did, spending time inspecting and watching prey instead of hunting it, he often spent time at the barn just near the windclan territory. Only a few days after he had been apprenticed, he was granted permission to go to the gathering with his mentor.

There, he met a Tom named WhaleWhisper, who had just been appointed as a young shadowclan warrior a few days before. Ospreyfur and Whatwhisper hit it off and became friends, then eventually, started meeting up with each other in secret. A few moons later, Ospreyfur began to catch feelings for the older cat, and against his better judgment, he told Whalewhisper about his feelings. As you can imagine, it didn’t go over well at all. It resulted in a fight that left Ospreyfur with the single scar he still has to this day. Despite never showing interest in anyone Ospreyfur has always had a bit of a soft spot for his sister, Kiterunner. She is one of the only cats he will willingly start a conversation with. He enjoys spending time with her just as much as he enjoys benign away from the camp. Wherever Kiterunner goes, Ospreyfur will follow.


  • Constantly wondering into situations he somehow always manages to get out of with ease
  • Dislikes violance, despite being drawn to it.
  • Vaguely remembers having another sibling.

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