I candyfloss I Nanami ♦



5 years, 9 months ago



"pink, goth, and rocking"

Name Nanami
Species Candyfloss
Flavor sugar
Gender female
Age 8 (25 human years)
Height 5'2
Clan iota
Ability negate powers
Sexual Orientation demisexual
Relationship single
Occupation Owns and runs a planetarium


  • rock music
  • gothic clothing
  • the stars/moon
  • kittens
  • reading
  • company of others


  • overbearing attention
  • being in the sun
  • boredom
  • heat

Quirky . Passionate . Smart

Nanami is quite the character when it comes to everything she is up for. When first meeting her she can come off as quite nerdy. Since she loves astronomy and the study all things outter space. She also quite enjoys reading. If you manage to catch her in her glasses instead of contacts, she enjoys thicker frames compared to slim. Though when it  comes to her planetarium shows, she loves to accompany them with rock music, and loves the genre, and besides her nerdyness, she is almost dressed in dark colors. However, what most don't know about Nanami is she is a bit of a thrill seeker. Has bungee jumped at the most famous places around Carmella, and learned how to sky dive solo. She also enjoys the occasional rock climbing through its harder on her body than her other two thrills. Over all though in personality she is quite humble and truly believes, you to on to others what you wish to be done to you. To that end she loves children, and can't wait to have some of her very own when she settles down with a mate. She isn't much of a dater unless she feels an instant collection and doesn't purposely go looking. She hopes love comes finds her. 


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