


5 years, 9 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Adrianna Froiland
Birthday:  22.10.1889
Age range: 8-11 in the main story
Family:  Taris, Adam- parents; Alva - sister; Alisa - grandmother
Height: 143 cm at the beginning; 170 as adult
Nationality: Norwegian, has mixed roots
Status by the end of the main story: alive

Short description
Taris and Adam's older daughter, kind, gentle and a little shy. In contrast to her sister, she seems to be truly angelic, but the more time passes by... the more her personality changes. Adrianna witnesses all the horrible things going around her parents and her sensitive nature doesn't help her with enduring this hard time. Very compassionate and quite reasonable, but not much sociable, during to her shyness. Adam and Taris had no contact with her until she was 3, because Alisa, her evil grandmother, abducted her just a day after she was born. She's very precious for her parents and they spoil her a lot. Adrianna's behaviors changes in the story with time, as she is heavily influenced by all the drama around Taris, and also starts to be more rebellious. After she develops her friendship with Tito, she's not willing to leave Hillade when her parents plan to move out abroad. Seems like she stops being so angelic when she doesn't get what she wants.

Adrianna starts as polite, cautious and quiet child, she prefers to stay in home than playing with other children outside and doesn't have many friends. She visits local school from time to time, but she's usually homeschooled. She is trustworthy and cares about others, often tries to be helpful. Often gets afraid of strangers, but always tries to act nice. She usually has no problems with talking with her parents about her feelings, but it changes with time. She's emphatic and more mature than most children her age, but she lacks self-confidency outside home, even despite being always praised by her parents.
As she was kidnapped as a baby by her grandmother, so for some time she didn't really know who is her mother and father. Alisa abducted her and disappeared for 3 years and no one managed to find her. She didn't treat Addie as horrible as she did with young Taris, but she was very harsh, demanding and often punished her. In that time Alisa stated she was aware of that she used to treat young Taris too cruel (she never actually regretted it, though) and now she wanted to "fix her faults as a mother", but she really wasn't doing much better. In fact, Alisa purely hates children. All of them. She kidnapped baby Adrianna just to hurt Taris and her husband. She knew Taris had already miscarried several times before and still wanted to ruin all her happiness when she finally managed to give a birth to a healthy child. Alisa, just like she did with Taris, had great plans about Adrianna's future and wanted to make her very educated, rich and popular (as this was probably young Alisa's own wishes), but of course, her methods were awful. She never tried to rebel against grandma; in opposite to her younger sister (and also to her mother when she was her age), she is rather submissive and sensitive.
3 years later, when Adrianna was brought back to her parents by some mysterious man, it was a huge shock for all of them. It was quite hard for Adrianna to get used to her own parents and the new way of treating her, as no one was punishing her or shouting at her anymore. She eventually became close with them and accepted the truth. For years Adrianna wasn't 100% aware of what her grandmother has done to her, or how she used to treat her mother, but she gets to know it with time. Now she absolutely hates Alisa. Of course, this mad hag makes some attempts of kidnapping Addie again, as she's purely obsessed about making this family's life constantely worse.
When the main action starts, Adrianna is deeply worried about her parents' situation and it affects her personality a lot. Since Taris becomes accused of murdering people and it drives her to madness, Adrianna is wondering if it's possible to this being true even a bit. In contrast to Alva who is weirdly enthusiastic about just "Taris killing someone", Adrianna is afraid of these rumors. The parents become less involved in raising their children and don't spend that much time as before with them, as they're constantely busy, abducted by someone or arrested or god knows what else. They still want to give them attention, but it's not so easy as it used to be. Adrianna sees that both of them are scared and deal with their own traumas, but she can't understand everything, no matter how hard she tries. Their life is full of stress now and it has impact on their children as well. Quickly after everyone apologized to Taris for the false accusations, Adrianna saw a dead body on their own estate - and her mother started to be accused of another crime again. She can't forget about what she saw and it often haunts her dreams. Even before this, Adrianna was also a witness of her mother's suicide attempt, what somehow changed her view on Taris. These things influenced her mind a lot and made her avoiding Taris, despite that her mother was always trying to get to her. Since that time Adrianna feels less comfortable around her and prefers her father; Taris feels deeply sorry for her and blames herself for bringing her traumatizing experiences. A big help for her in these hard times is befriending Fred and Tilda's son, Tito, who she used to dislike before for his rude and cheeky behaviors. After Adrianna saved this boy's life (when he just tried to save her from being kidnapped by grandma again), she became much closer with him and likes to spend time with him, despite having such different personalities. He encourages her to be more brave and seems to be intrigued by what happens inside the Froilands' house. She starts to develop strong feelings to him even as a child, but it's not so easy for her to admit this. When all the accusations stop and they're ready to start a new chapter in life, Adam and Taris decide to leave Hillade permanently and move out abroad, what makes Adrianna angry, angrier than she had ever been before. She has literally just one friend here, yet she doesn't want to leave no matter what. Since that moment she becomes more rebellious and troublesome and not deals well with the new reality.

+ studying
+ theatre
+ plants
+ cats
+ watching her mother's peformances
+ elegant clothes
+ spending time with her parents

- talking to strangers
- scary stories
- staying lonely
- getting in troubles
- being shouted
- Alva's attitude
- getting dirty
- raisins

Taris - her mother. Before giving birth to Adrianna, Taris miscarried multiple times, so it was a huge success for her when she finally managed to born a healthy child. For first 3 years she basically hadn't any contact with her, because Alisa kidnapped her, what made Taris heavily depressed. She got her back after 3 years, because some mysterious man found her and carried her to their house. Taris cares and worries about her, wants for her the best, never forces her to anything. She doesn't feel good when other persons besides Adam takes care of her. Adrianna is aware of her mother's health problems and fears she might die. Taris often thinks she's not the best example of mother and feels like she should apologize Adrianna. She wants to be able to spend more time with her daughters and give them more attention. For a long time Adrianna never used to cause any troubles, but it slowly changes as she becomes aware of all the wild things happening around the adults. Adrianna can't forget the horrible views she saw, like her mother's suicide attempt or a dead body next to their house, moreover, she becomes furious when she discovers that the parents are planning to move out abroad, as she doesn't want to leave Tito. She starts to avoid Taris and becomes rebellious, sometimes being even more troublesome than Alva.

Adam - her father; she's very precious for him and he tries to be as good father for her as he can. When she was abducted, Adam was doing everything in order to find her and he was promising that he will kill his mother-in-law for this, especially that he was aware of what she was doing to Taris all the time in the past... but he never managed to fulfill this promise and he always feels guilty for this. As she is quite shy, he tries to encourage her to be more outspoken, but never puts a pressure on her. After the main issues around Taris start, it's noticeable that Adrianna has better relation with her father than mother, who she keeps avoid. Adam is aware that Addie became friends with Tito Svindal and when she's really worried of this boy after he gets heavily sick, Adam decides to share a little bit of the cursed substance with him to save him, only to make sure his daughter will have nothing to worry about. It seems like the father and daughter have perfect relation, but it really changes after Adam announces that they are going to move out from Hillade pernamently and go abroad. In addition to all the things Adrianna experienced in last months, it makes her burst out; she hates this idea because she doesn't want to leave Tito and is afraid of brand new environment, so she starts to rebel. She becomes really problematic for both of her parents.

Alva - her younger sister; due to her creepy behaviors Addie tries to avoid her as much as possible and doesn't talk to her very often. Alva sometimes acts vicious towards her and even hurts her, saying she's stupid and boring. Despite everything, Addie still cares about her a bit, tries to understand her and even feels pity for her, but Alva just an absolute menace and can't get on well with anyone except her mother. In the future their relations are seemingly better, but never perfect.

Alisa - her grandmother; for a long time she's not even aware that she kidnapped her. As a 3 years old she is shocked when she meets her parents for the first time and it takes her some time to get used to her "new family". She wasn't treated THAT bad by her, (at least comparing to the way Alisa was treating young Taris), but she was still harsh and very demanding for her. She never showed affection and feelings for her, she only kept saying she should learn a lot and practise playing instruments, If Adrianna wouldn't want to do it, she had punished her - but in contrast to her mother, she wasn't a rebellious child at all. Later Adrianna discovers how cruel person Alisa was towards the whole family and starts to hate her more and more, yet in opposite to her sister, she doesn't show it in any way. She's very afraid of this woman.

Tito -  Fred and Tilda's oldest son; at first moment they don't like each other, she's completely different from him and he annoys her everyime, but later he encourages her to play with him and his friends and they start to like each other a bit more. For a long time Adrianna keeps thinking he's immature and dumb, but changes her opinion and develops some feelings to him when he saves her from her evil grandma who tries to kidnap her again. Tito ends up quite tragic after that and Adrianna deeply worries about him, but thanks to Adam, he gets better. They still like to tease each other, but they become closer friends, they even start to running away from their houses just to visit each other. It seems like the whole horrible situation with halcylians, accuastions and everything that was going around the Froilands made these two much closer. Later, when the Froilands decide to move out abroad, it makes Addie extremely angry, mainly because she doesn't want to leave Tito. Besides him, she didn't actually have any other friends, but she was already convinced that she doesn't want to end up this friendship. Despite the differences of their personalities, they get on with each other quite well, especially that after that moment Adrianna becomes much more rebellious. When the Froilands move out, these two have very limited contact. Adrianna still insist on coming back to Hillade and puts a lot of pressure on her father to change his mind, because she is more and more in love with her blonde haired friend with every year, even when she's unable to see him at all. While it takes longer for Tito to develop similar feelings, it eventually happens and they will become an actual couple someday. However, in the future their relationship will not be that pure and sweet.

Talvi - Talvi has rather neutral relations with Adrianna, but it's noticeable that Adrianna is quite afraid of Talvi and doesn't fully understand why her parents want to adopt this girl. Both of the Froilands' daughters don't know who Talvi really is and aren't aware of her story, so it's quite weird for them. Adrianna even starts to act a bit mean for Talvi while she goes through her rebellious phase, trying to stop her family from moving out abroad, but when she sees it just doesn't work and they will move out anyway, she is ashamed of her actions and feels sorry for Talvi.

Other info
- The one who found Adrianna and carried her to her mother after Alisa kidnapped her was... Alfard. Taris still doesn't know about it, but Adam suspects it for some reasons. Who knows if Adrianna remembers him even a bit?
- She is partly homeschooled, she goes to local school only sometimes and basically doesn't have any school friends.
- She is afraid of bugs.
- Unlike Alva, Adrianna keeps saying that she will never be like her mom, in any way.
- It is said she's prettier than her sister and even though she has her father's eyes and hair, she's more similar to Taris. She already has many admirers as a teen.