Mika Kochanie [Chimera]



9 months, 12 days ago


Mika Kochanie

Called Mimi (call him that and die), Sticks

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Sexuality Omnisexual

Age 27

DOB August 23

Occupation Mafioso

Residence Rec Center, Couch Surfing

Theme Temper Temper

HTML Pinky


"Don't you get it? Being ordinary never got anyone anywhere."


Mika is one-half of the Kochanie twins, and most definitely the "problem child" of the two, his bitterness stemming greatly from his father's disappointment after several experiments done to him had failed. Despite the fact that his childhood was incredibly fucked up, he can't help but feel useless and defective, resentful of his twin's gifts.

Ironic really, considering he's been walking around with a questionably dormant ability for years, his stubborn, don't-give-a-fuck attitude keeping him from uncovering the truth. But perhaps getting nabbed and initiated into the local mafia could change all of that...


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Height 5'10"

Build Lean, Muscular

Eyes Hazel

Skin Tone Olive

Hair Color Auburn (Dyed)

Hair Style Medium, Wavy

Ethnicity Italian

Demeanor Passionate, Temperamental, Reckless, Creative

Power Status Has Powers

Primary God Jericho


  • PIERCINGS: labret, right ear hoop, nipples.
  • TATTOOS: "AMORE" on left pec.
  • SCARS: knuckles, from punching too many walls, various smaller scars across body from getting into fights.
  • MISC: eyes become black with red pupils after he discovers and uses his powers with actual intent.



Siphon Can absorb the life-force, energy, vitality, or health of a target, and use said energy to either heal himself or convert it into an attack blast.


Dependency He must constantly use this power to live, often suffering from asthma attacks if out of use for too long.

Involuntary When not used with full intent, absorbs small amounts of energy from others without even realizing it, leaving behind negative feelings from said targets.



Drumming A fuckin' great outlet for anger and creative expression. If he doesn't have a kit, he'll find whatever he can to bang around on.

Clothing Alteration LOVES distressing clothing, adding patches, spraypainting shit on it, the works! Will 500% give you a Look if you stuff him into a boring-ass suit.

Vandalism What you call illegal activity he calls works of art. So what if it's a government building?

Vinyl Collecting A total snob and a half, can and WILL judge you on your poor music taste.


Feeling Useless No shittier feeling than watching someone thrive as you're spiraling downwards.

His Reflection Reminds him too much of his other, more perfect half.

Loss of Control Not being in control of a situation... isn't the best feeling in the world. The asthma doesn't help this shit, either, pft.

Isolation Chalk it up to a twin thing, but he often deals with separation anxiety. Not that he's EVER gonna fucking admit it.


Zodiac Virgo

Tarot Card Knight of Swords Reversed

Scents Cigarette Butts, Old Paint

Sounds Metal Clanging, Sirens

Plants Marigold

Food + Drink Hibachi Lettuce Wrap with Extra Peppers and Sriracha, Teton Moonshine Raspberry Flavored Whiskey

Motifs Fire, Smoke, Bruised Knuckles, Dried Blood


Social Definitely snuck out at night growing up, loves hanging out in grungy bars and the shittiest concert venues known to man, losing himself in loud music and reckless vibes.

Wealth Hardly has a dime to his name, but couldn't care less about material shit.

Vehicle Sunbeam S7 Motorcycle, Forest Green

Home Couch surfs across the mafia.



Mura Kochanie

Twin Brother

His perfect and gifted other half! Blah blah fucking blah. Secretly longs to reunite with his brother again, but the weight of living in his shadow has gotten to him in recent years. He wouldn't know what to say...


Moor Kochanie


So far removed as a father that Mika doesn't even consider him an estranged familial figure like he does his twin brother. Fuck this man, and everything he stands for.


Machi Kochanie


The absolute light of his life, always encouraging him in his passions for music, sewing, and other creative endeavors. But Moor took her away from him, like he did everything else.



Boss, Father Figure

Got snatched up by this guy in the middle of a Mafia-vs-Moor attack, and taken up under his wing whether he wanted to be or not. They butt heads more often than not, but Mika considers him family more than anyone else at this point.



Nemesis ... with Benefits ?

FUCK THIS GUY. But also *fuck* this guy?? GOD. They're annoying and loud and refuse to leave him alone, so why not blow off a little steam every once and a while? It's not like he's gonna develop FEELINGS for them or anything. (Denial is a river in Egypt)