Grim Zaleska



9 months, 11 days ago


Grim Zaleska

Called TBD

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Sexuality Pansexual

Age 36

DOB March 27

Occupation Mafia Don

Residence TBD


HTML Pinky


"Emptiness is safe. Keep it that way."


Grim is the Don of the local mafia, taking over after his mother was too old to continue her role. He learned quickly who he could and couldn't trust, cutting off ties with BrightLine when he discovered the underlying goals. Having a deep hatred of people who use magic for nefarious purposes, he uses his abilities and his men to help rid the city of their plague.

Though he's extremely tough on the outside, the ones closest to him know just how much Grim cares. Even when blood is spilled in his name, it's all for one reason: A better tomorrow for everyone.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Height 6'8"

Build Lean, Muscular

Eyes Dark Brown

Skin Tone Tan

Hair Color Dark Brown

Hair Style Long, Sides Shaved

Ethnicity Egyptian

Demeanor Blunt, Caring, Dominating, Loyal

Power Status Has Powers

Primary God Finch


  • PIERCINGS: lip, nipples and belly button.
  • TATTOOS: flames across knuckles and tiger kame-no-ko.
  • SCARS: scattered across his arms and chest, one behind each ear.
  • MISC: eyes turn pitch black when his power is used. has cochlear implants.



Nullification Can stop a magic user's powers by touching them.


Normality Completely uneffected by magic.



Meditation Sometimes he just needs to turn the world off and just be alone.

Cooking What originally was a a chore in his eyes became a secret passion of his. He's always experimenting with new flavors and recipes, rarely ordering out.

Cats Precious things. The strays need his help and he’s more than happy to offer it.

Feeling Needed He'll never admit it out loud, but having validation like this keeps him going.


Empty Threats Either swing first or shut the fuck up.

police Useless. Pay him to do their job instead.

Begging Own up to fuckin' up, coward. Get up.

decision making Sometimes, it's a lot.


Zodiac Aries

Tarot Card The Emperor

Scents Cigarettes, Gunpowder, Aftershave

Sounds Ears Ringing

Plants Gladiolus

Food + Drink Masters Series Enriquestuardo, Honey Liqueur 7 - Gold Edition

Motifs Smoke, Flame, Red, Tigers


Social Focused mostly on his work, he doesn't get out too much. When he does, it's usually for business. Occasionally, his men drag him out for a night on the town.

Wealth Well off, thanks to family funds and investments.

Vehicle Hummer H1, Black

Home Penthouse in [The City].



Rafe Lunorin

Right Hand Man, Best Friend

The only person who can fully understand his motivations. Always by his side, no questions asked. They tease each other like crazy, but he wouldn't wanna be on this wild ride with anyone else.


Moor Kochanie


Used to work with him, until he turned something good into something terrible. Broke that partnership off, left him bleeding and wants to finish what he started. Fuckin' asshole.


Mika Kochanie

soldier, Protege

Snagged him when the first attack on Moor went south. Would never admit it, but he's grown attached to the kid. Though they yell more than they talk, he knows that one day he'll become a strong member of the team.


Maalik Lockwood

enemy turned partner

Never really knew the guy. Just saw him constantly at events. After one dance, he watched the weight of the world fall off of his shoulders. His interest in him grew and then blossomed into something... magical.