
so sorry for the wait! christmas has been particularly hectic. 

the winner is neeoonsuugaar ! you should be getting a transfer soon!

thanks so much for the participation everyone! this was very fun.

fave this character to enter

bonus entries: 
comment whether or not you think you would want a custom like this (+1)
comment how much you think i should charge for a custom like this (+1)

winner will be chosen on christmas!

character name, gender, and backstory may be changed upon recieving the character!

Tethys is the god of waterfalls, and is very protective over his domain. Though he is kind to strangers who need help, he is not so friendly to those who tamper poorly with his waterfalls and connecting rivers, and is quick to anger, despite his rather melancholic and gloomy attitude. He can almost always be found huddling in caves behind his waterfalls, painting grand tapestries into the rock wall depicting himself, and the fauna and flora that inhabit the rivers near his waterfalls.