
9 months, 6 days ago


ID: NetTheDragon.exe / Net

Species: Dragon (Digital Dragon)

Pronouns: none

Sex: none

Gender: none (appears male)

Alignment: True Neutral


Net is a living digital character that is able to transverse through the internet, and various different mediums, like data would. Apparently formed from an expariment by "The Author"

Name: Net

File Name: NetTheDragon

Total data:

[FOLDER]: NetTheDragon

    [File]: Sprites.jpg [1-∞ Files]

    [File]: Speech.wav [1-∞ Files]

    [File]: Knoledge.txt

    [File]: Original_Logs.txt

    [File]: NetTheDragon.exe

    [FOLDER]: Reference

        [FOLDER]: Author

            [File]: Memories.txt

            [File]: Message.flac

            [File]: Pictures.png [1-? Files]

The motives behind the creation of this "data" with "The Author" are currently unknown, but there is evidence to produce a hypothesis as to what might have occurred and why this "living data" even exists.

Analyses on the "The Author's" hard drives of their damaged computer have been discovered with data, primarily logs, for the creation of "Net" and a machine. So far the data that goes along with the sprites is deeply encoded and encrypted that not even the most advanced technicians in our decoding field are able to decode it easily. Progress is still being made in figuring out the code, but as of, right now we can only observe its behavior to study what the program can do.

This is no ordinary program of code as upon distribution the files are able to remove themselves from the original storage. This automatic transfer of files between systems is quite unique and has not been seen before. The exact means by which these files are transfered are unknown.


The Folder 'Net' consists of a variety of files that include .exe, .png, .jpg, .txt, .wav, and .flac file types. However, the majority of files in the folder possess unknown containers and file types that are not displayed on the logs.

Analysis of these files is still being worked on as all the files are deeply encoded in their own formats respectively except the text file titled "Original_Logs".

The "NetTheDragon.exe" program has various different observed properties. Observed properties include copying and distribution of all files in the respective folder "Net". Once files have been distributed original files are deleted and new files are updated with more content. Alternatively, this application is also capable of simulating broadcasts referencing any files in the "NetTheDragon" folder on any application or system its files are in.

When looking at all the files in the "Net" folder, based on the english titles, it can be assumed that this program was created to reference other files in the folders. These other files are assumed to hold data and "memories" of "The Author". "The Author" was concluded to be "[REDACTED NAME]".

The whereabouts of "[REDACTED NAME]" are currently unknown.

It is determined that a copy of these files is hosted on a system, primarily for redistribution, with an unknown MAC address that has not yet been documented... however in the "Original_Logs" text file there is a reference to a possible machine that might be the exact system that hosts the original files, this system is reffered as "JSOS" by "[REDACTED NAME]" in the logs.

The code in question when viewing these files is not encoded in any documented language on the planet Earth or anywhere remotely near the Milkey Way solar system or any other documented solar system.

Log File Analysis ("Original_Logs.txt")

Description Catagories:

Device Registered User: [REDACTED NAME]

Date Created:

Last Modified:

File Size:

The content on the file are as follows:

(Exact dates of each log are unknown.)