Nevra DuVal



9 months, 3 days ago


"I've seen it with my own eyes. No matter how many great men may rise and fall, they all end up in the same old graves. What makes you think you'd be any different?"

    As a phantom in the physical realm, their body serves as a bridge between the physical world and the supernatural realm, with the yellow irises across their inner body belonging to other spirits peering from the afterlife. This also allows for anatomy beyond just their eyes to poke through and take over, leading to "accessory" limbs which usually are really more of a hindrance than any aid.
    They can also shape their form at will by remolding their own soft body and shifting its mass around (usually their lenghty hair serves as a reserve stock of mass, hence why they may display shorter hairstyles in forms with more fat or muscle mass present). Although they're also able to alter their own face as well, it quickly undoes itself as soon as they change expressions.
    These properties combined allow for them to "borrow" bodyparts from those spirits by having their limbs be replaced entirely instead of just sculpting their weightless mass around, literally having a spirit lend them their strenght by having something such as a strong arm manifest in place of their own. They feel nothing in them as they're not part of their own actual body, and really their control is still under that of the spirit. But by stretching their "skin" over it, it allows a form of controlled restraint that is able to maneuver it by Nevra's own will.
