Travis McAlister



6 years, 2 months ago


Clearly troubled, though unwilling to open up to anyone. Very careful with his words, thinks too much when talking so most of the time he chooses not to talk at all. Hates being alone though he is afraid to love, so he chooses to live alone anyway. Has a soft spot for stuffed animals, and always sleeps with one at night though he would never ever admit that his stuffed rabbit plush is the only thing keeping him from losing it. Cold and stern, always has a frown on his face. Socially awkward when forced to talk to others, prefers to keep to himself. He was a curious child, whose curiosity and sense of adventure went a little too far. He lost his sense of adventure and became blank and uncaring, not willing to accidentally become attached to anyone or anything. He is strong and brave, but is physically unable of holding a conversation. A few sentences in he will clam up and either stare you down, or turn away and go back to minding his own business. He has a lot of emotions bottled up and doesn’t wish to unleash the storm on anyone who is innocent.

The stuffed rabbit he owns belonged to his daughter. While he has other things that used to belong to her, this item in particular means a lot to him and he would be distraught if something were to happen to it.

He had a close knit group of friends growing up from middle to high school. Him and Jonah were friends since 5th grade, and the two of them met a girl in 7th grade who quickly joined their ranks. Travis was fond of her, and crushed on her instantly. They started dating in 10th grade, and grew up promising each other they would be together forever once they were old enough to marry. Jonah was never a third wheel though, he made sure their three way friendship was never messed with.

However one day things went to far, and the girl ended up pregnant with Travis' baby. She left the morning she found out, without telling Travis at all. Travis sought out Jonah again, in shambles because his wife had left him out of nowhere. Jonah was there for him through this hardship, and they grew even closer over the 9 months Travis stayed with him for emotional support. Travis' wife did come back one day though, teary eyed and with a child in her arms. Sobbing, she handed over the child to Travis, and ran off to her car, speeding away without another word. Travis didn't go after her, knowing he had a bigger responsibility.

He took good care of his daughter for 8 years, until one day when Jonah was set to bring her home from school and he got into a car accident, wounding himself and killing poor Willow. Travis is and always will be broken beyond repair from this, and may never forgive Jonah properly. Without seeing any other reason to live at this point, Travis now busies himself with work and desperately searching out his wife, wherever she may be.