


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Vlad

Punk Age: 8 years
Mental Age: ???

Gender: Male
Race: Stitchpunk
Other names: Experiment 0.1

Introvert | Chaotic Neutral

Mannerisms: Gazing at nothing, zoning out
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: 0

Strengths: Capable of quickly learning, fighting
Weaknesses: Weak mental state, emotions, knowledge on survival
Hobbies: Traveling the emptiness

Positive Traits: Patient, Curious, Gentle

Negative Traits: Inhibited, Antisocial, Impulsive

Personality Type
Vlad is a strange new being capable of coherent thoughts, which is proven by his chosen name, as well as minor speech.
However he is also shown to be 'beastly' in a manner unlike stitchpunks, as while he may appear similar to one, his instincts are completely different.

Able to see and speak with spirits.
Minor alchemy knowledge.
He can recall the memories and emotions one went through during the
recollection of said memories through gazing through the others optics.


Religion: None.

Politics: None.

Occupation: Wanderer

Favorite Color: Red?

Favorite Possession: None

Favorite Weapon: None

Favorite Animal: None


Creation Day: 1940

Education: Some of 0's memories / knowledge

Vlad was an experiment meant to become one of 0's first siblings during the time of her being alone, upon the transfiguration process her soul had been stuffed literally into her body, and it was putting too much strain on it and slowly killing her. So she attempted to make another body in hopes of making both a brother while lessening the strain on her. She attempted to bind a green soul stone with a red one and used her own soul as a binding force to keep them together. In doing this, it changed color, to blue.

She hadn't known that this was a possibility, as this was her first encounter with a blue soul stone.

So Vlad is basically a person who you could say isn't all there. He exist, but her mind works in a fog of heavy disassociation. And sometimes the stones within him will react based on his situation, prompting him to violent outburst and or emotionally driven decisions.

The entire ordeal of course backfired upon his awakening, his body was whole but not his soul. He ended up trashing a good part of her lab, and ended up escaping into the emptiness left to gather himself later on.

He now wanders the emptiness, trying to find purpose for himself, he is curious, and at times bipolar with his actions. And prefers to be alone than around any others.


Siblings: 0 considered him a brother during the creation process.

Relationships: None

Pets: None

