[$20] Diey [5art]



Deity of the Lion Tribe

Proud | Temperamental | Powerful | Demanding

Diey is the tempestuous deity ruling over the lion pride. Unlike most of the other deities, it does not see itself as a caring "guide", but rather as a respected and feared master. It does not truly care for its mortal's well-being and would often act heartless toward them. It loves its divine status, enjoying its power and to be worshiped and admired. It demands prayers and devotion, and would easily punish those who are not devoted enough.

Its wraths are well-known for being terrible and destructive. It is said that Diey once punished the tribe with weeks of floodings alterning with fires, drowning and burning to death half of the tribe, while the other half would starve from the lack of food. Only a little portion of the tribe survived, and learned to never turn their deity's requests away.