

Arsen - Male 

Shadow :: Aura, Female

Outwardly annoys and infuriates each other but gets defensive about each other if they were attacked (verbally, they're both not one for fights Also as Arsen's weak)

Arsen is pretty enthusiastic about everything, whether its take a simple walk or going skydiving. He can be carefree, not really bothering about  the details and preferring the whole picture, especially if the whole  picture included something interesting. To go along with enthusiastic, he is also loud, a combination that results in him happily yelling whatever he's thinking while bouncing off walls. Arsen enjoys teamwork, both seeing a group work together well and working together with someone else. Don't tell him the reason his team doesn't work is because he's too unpredictable.

He wouldn't play tricks or fool people just to entertain himself,  although he's definitely a charmer and loves to entertain. He's pretty  much like a dog. Favourite things to do would be exploring, getting lost  in forests, sleeping outside, etc - he would definitely hate settling  down and being in one place for too long. If someone took a photo, he'd  probably be grinning, trying to throw an arm around as many people as  possible, or goofing around and harass the people next to him.
Fav colour: natural colours, like greens, browns, blues.. The more vibrant shades over muted colours.

Aura is soft-footed, preferring to observe, make sure everything's safe, test the waters, then enter the scene. She's always alert, and does her best to be prepared for any situation, from the best to the worst. Having someone like Arsen around doesn't help matters, as he's on the impulsive side and jumps eagerly into situations, leaving her no chance to observe and predict possible sernarios and actions made by others. She believes that a person may boast that he can defeat lions single-handed, but if he can't actually do it then he should be marked as untrustworthy. Aura tries to be as honest as she can, and is she can't do something, she will say so. She is easily scared, jumping at the smallest sound and shying behind the doll, preferring to hide until Arsen deals with whatever it is.

Relationship with Aura: The two of them argue and disagree often, although they do enjoy each other's company! Arsen gets to chat with someone as they wander, and Aura's forced to explore outside when she normally wouldn't. She'd defend him  erbally and he'll try to defend her physically if there's any threats on their forest trips, although he's not too strong so it doesn't always work xD He'd also carry her as well, when she's tired of walking,  although not without a few minutes of complaining.


Some time ago, a toy  store which sold hand-made toys decided to try making anthropoid dolls.  Dolls that were like animals, but with human qualities. The anthro or  'furry' type has been trending around the country, and the store,  determined to keep up, told their doll-maker to try making some, and if  it made good profit, they'll keep making more.

Energetic, the  doll-maker started. He ensured all the dolls were up to the high  standard of both himself and the store, and pleased, stood back, looking  at his work. he started writing his report on his progress and how it  would help the store, before pausing at the 'target market' section. The  dolls he made would appeal to children, yes, but they would mostly  appeal to young girls, not the boys.

With this in mind, he made  more dolls, and in a fit of inspiration drew scars across one, and gave  all of them claws. The boys would like that, he was sure. He continued  his report happily, and afterward, made stories for each of the dolls,  making rivalries between some and friendship for others. The doll-maker  ensured every doll had a story with at least two others, so children  would be complied to buy all of them to re-enact the story or continue  it. He decided the scarred one, Moon, would gain the scars through a  bear attack when he was camping with his friends, Chaser and Storm (sold  separately!).

The dolls flew off the shelves, sold within weeks  of their arrival, except for Moon. The doll-maker, curious as to why he  wasn't sold yet, hung around the doll, listening to what everyone has  to say about it. Turns out many boys wanted to buy Moon, even a few  girls, but their parents took one look at the large scars across Moon's  shoulder and decided against buying him. Shrugging, the doll-maker  bought Moon himself, and brought the doll home. He added more colour to  Moon's body and tail, adding random circles and lines. Leaving the doll  by the window to dry, he left his work space, making a note to check on  Moon later.

~ ~ ~

Aura was looking for a doll. She didn't  have a set criteria, but there was still one, nonetheless. She knew she  was easily scared, and preferred a doll that looked like she could hide  behind. Or one where it would happily chase away whatever was scaring  her. There were plenty of dolls in toy stores, but the amount of humans  in them made her veer away. Humans can't see her, but she still felt  scared of their large, towering presence.

She noticed a doll by a  window, happily away from any humans, and she drifted closer, going  through the wall to inspect the doll. He looked fierce enough, that was  what the scars tell her, and the doll was grinning. Of course, he was  painted that way, but often dolls were like how they were painted. Or so  she was told.

Leaving her indecisiveness, she made a 'contract'  with the doll, and a wave of relief washed through her. No matter how  the doll was like, at least now she did not have the worry of a timer  ticking in her head, telling her how long she has left to find a doll.  Moon blinked, grinned wider, and started laughing. "Oh hey, look at  this! I can move! Wicked!" He ran around the table, laughing all the  while. "This is great! Well, I'm going to rename myself 'Arsen', since  Moon is so stereotypical for someone based off a wolf. Well, thanks  Aura! Yeah, I'll totally follow the contract, it's great to be able to  move by myself." Arsen patted Aura on the head, and she instantly felt  annoyed. That action made her feel like a pet.
"Aw  sorry." Arsen grinned, not looking sorry at all, and Aura wondered if  they can work together properly. Hopefully they could. Maybe this was  just the happiness from being able to move and be 'alive'. If they  can't, well, then they have a long and painful journey ahead.