Agent L



7 months, 26 days ago


(Basically just my fursona retooled into a Phineas and Ferb self-insert)

Agent L is an O.W.C.A. agent who does not have their own nemesis and is instead sent to fill in for agents who can't make it in that day. They thought being a secret agent would be cool, but after dealing with things like being dragged into missions on their days off, having their pay cut, and Major Monogram being generally incompetent, they have become burnt out. They don't take their job very seriously anymore and don't put much enthusiasm into it.

They can "talk" with the help of an experimental collar that translates their thoughts into words. Unfortunately, this can sometimes cause Agent L to "say" things they would rather keep to themself, leading to conflict and embarrassment. Of all the agents, Agent L was chosen to test the collar to avoid messing up any of the established dynamics between other agents and their nemeses. The novelty of fighting a talking animal might also make it a little bit less of a bummer for the evil scientists when their nemeses don't show up.

They met Norm one day while filling in for Agent P, and the two have been seeing each other in their spare time ever since. They like to just walk around Danville looking for interesting things to do while passersby give them baffled looks. They can relate to one another because they both feel that their work is underappreciated and have to deal with nonsense from their superiors. Since Agent L is so much smaller than Norm, he messes with them a lot by doing things like picking them up off the ground or taking their fedora and holding it just out of reach.

Agent L was born without the ability to spontaneously make up their own songs. They canĀ burst into a musical number, but it has to be with a song that already exists. It would be this way even if they could speak without the collar.

Agent L finds it fun to pretend to be a human online.