
7 months, 25 days ago



  • Basic Information
    • Name: Fig
    • Alias: here
    • Gender: Female (she/her)
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Birthday: November 8, 1490 (Scorpio)
      • Debut: 32
      • Timeskip: 35
    • Height: 6'1" (185 cm)
    • Species: Human
    • Occupation: Bounty Hunter
    • Affiliation: here
    • Birthplace: Grand Line
    • Residence: here
    • Devil Fruit: N/A
    • Bounty: here
  • Appearance
    • Hair: Blue
      • She usually likes to wear it long, but when she's fighting, she pulls it back into a ponytail or a bun (or buns). She's too lazy to braid it.
      • Sometimes she think about chopping it off. She likes how she looks with long hair but she's lazy.
    • Eyes: Purple
    • Skin: color
    • Scars: any
    • Tattoos: any
    • Style: here
  • Personality (spoiler tagged for length)
  • Positive Traits
    • Adaptable
    • Alert
    • Athletic
    • Calm
    • Capable
    • Clever
    • Confident
    • Efficient
    • Focused
    • Hardworking
    • Independent
    • Insightful
    • Intelligent
    • Methodical
    • Observant
    • Patient
    • Persistent
    • Pragmatic
    • Precise
    • Proud
    • Quiet
    • Relaxed
    • Skilled
    • Thorough
    • Witty
  • Negative Traits
    • Aloof
    • Calculating
    • Opportunistic
  • Neutral Traits
    • Solitary
  • Likes
    • Acrobatics
    • Planning and scheming
  • Dislikes
    • Arrogance
    • Boasting
    • Lack of substance
  • Abilities
    • She has an acrobatic fighting style and uses dual sabres (curved French swords), as well as throwing knives, darts, smoke bombs, etc.
    • Considering giving her ice powers via Devil Fruit? Her original concept was an ice skater.
  • Story
    • Buggy's younger sister by five years, making her 32 at the start of the series.
    • She grew up on a pirate ship, as her brother had. Unlike her brother, she decided to leave that way of life to become a bounty hunter. She grew up with pirates so she knew how they acted, where they frequented, what many of the crews were like in terms of power... She figured she might as well make some money off of it.
  • Relationships
    • Older Brother: Buggy
    • Partner: Crocodile
      • It's complicated and somewhat toxic and the only person they'd admit their relationship to is each other.
      • They've tried to kill each other at least ten times.
  • Trivia
    • Her alignment is Chaotic Neutral.
    • Her real world nationality would be French.
    • I'd intended to make a pirate finally but she ended up as a bounty hunter somehow.
    • Her name comes from FIG, an acronym for Federation Internationale Gymnastique.
    • In a haunted house, she wouldn't be scared. She'd seem completely unphased.