(Susie)'s Comments

If still available I would love this character! I think they’d be a lovely addition to my story/world, so they would get plenty of art and be in the possible book! I feel as though they would work alongside one of my characters Zephra (who isn’t on TH quite yet)! Thank you for the consideration!

can i yoink em!?

I was thinking about adding her to the The Catbox. She could be an exotic dancer who dresses up like a pirate who has a secret hidden power that the others are unaware of. She discovers these abilities whilst travelling home one night, after encountering a group of muggers, who were trying to steal her things. From that day onwards, she became known as the Puppeteer, able to use imaginary strings to make people do what she wanted against their will. 

If available still could I adopt for a comfort oc?

Can I claim them?

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