Voysto Fiksum



5 years, 8 months ago


"The void inside me starts to fill, but my heart has holes, and whatever it holds will run out, leaving me empty once again." - Danielle Esplin, Give It Back

Basic info

PRONOUNSHe/him lesbian
BLOOD CASTEBlue Cobalt (#004696) (mutant)
TROLL TAGnullAttribute
SIGILFixed state
OCCUPATIONWorks at the company that made Skorpe; one of the low-level programmers that just execute the task as opposed to coming up with the ideas.
STRIFE SPECIBUSPenkind. Just penkind.
FETCH MODUSInvisible ink
Makes objects visible/accessible only after combining them with certain liquids. Voy usually doesn't bother and just sets water for everything, though.
HIVEA hut in some forest trench (previously), a corporate building (now).
His mantis lusus usually hides somewhere outside, near the house, hunting or keeping an eye on potential threats. She's very protective of Voy, perhaps a bit too much, but he considers her the closest soul to him. She's a very neurotic and fidgety mom.
INTERESTSHe's into math, coding (especially encryption), a little bit of video games and simple magic tricks, and has a soft spot for the Matrix movies. He used to enjoy 3d printing at some point, but is too creatively drained for it now.
- first letter of a sentence: no
- names: no
- "I": no
- commas: no
- periods at the end of a line: no
- apostrophes: no
- uses abbreviations a lot, generally a very "low energy" typing style

NA: yeah i c
NA: does mr veibod need this like
NA: rn or




Voy is very very tired and done with everything, and really feels the weight of that "repetition" around him. He actually has a lot going on in his head, but rarely acts it out or says how it is. 

He doesn't have enough energy to always do what he'd like to do, and most of the time he just picks the easiest/most conflictless route, even if it technically inconveniences him. Because of that, he's considered a pushover and stays in the shadows most of the time, accepting bad things as a constant even when it doesn't have to be that way. 

He's naturally quite smart and intuitive about many things, but is more than fine with not asking questions or being out of the loop. It's not his business, even if it is.

Other people tend to be very dismissive of him, ignore his problems or his very existence, even if they don't mean to. He just slips from people's consciousness. If Rypite doesn't have much substance to offer, but finds success in being pretty memorable and social, Voy's spark stays unnoticed and forgotten because he's just that unremarkable. It's not unusual for him to get confused for someone else, or get his name mixed up, or just being left out of some group events.

Deep down, he has a strong creative/imaginative spark that could transform into something impressive if only it wasn't buried under his sad gray husk of life, but he doesn't believe he has anything of value to offer.

Voy is one of the people who bought a piece of the frog temple from Murrit back in the days. It's not like he needed it, he just couldn't back out of that deal.

  Good/neutral traits

  • calm, patient;
  • cooperative, obedient, disciplined;
  • discreet, tolerant, empathetic;
  • gentle, humble;
  • introverted, pensive;
  • loyal;
  • sensible, realistic;
  • studious, creative, industrious

  Bad traits

  • apathetic, withdrawn;
  • cowardly, indecisive, weak-willed;
  • subservient;
  • timid, underappreciated;
  • uncommunicative;
  • blind follower;
  • pessimistic, humorless;
  • workaholic


  Rypite Koldan: ???
  Sirage Feltri: ???


   Joey Fehrenbach - Indefinable Nothing
   Enzalla - Cobalt
   Gotye - Easy Way Out 

Credit: Xamag