Rypite Koldan



5 years, 8 months ago


”Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston S. Churchill

BASIC info

PRONOUNSHe/him (?)
BLOOD CASTEIndigo Navy (#1A1280)
TROLL TAGvisionaryInstallment
SIGILIron pyrite ("fool's gold")
OCCUPATIONMiddle-tier creative director in the company that made Skorpe
STRIFE SPECIBUSPistolkind (tiny pocket pistol, "bond arms backup" model)
Stupidly simple yet effective, just like Rypite's entire existence.
Requires creating a certain number of new words out of the letters of the object's name.
HIVEHis ancestor's telescope shed in a shrubland, but currently moved into a corporate flat with Sirage.
LUSUSRo-Man (first seen in the "Robot Monster" cinematic classic)
He's a harmless bumbling doofus. Pretty stupid and clumsy, but strong. No one knows what he is exactly, but Rypite is certain he's a real alien. Might be some kind of animatronic made for the movies.
INTERESTSSci-fi about outer space (particularly 50-60's inspired), meteorology podcasts, word games, model crafting out of used materials. Occasionally he tries cooking, but always makes the same few simple dishes and ends up with a perfectly bland result.
- first letter of a sentence: yes
- after a period: yes
- names: yes
- "I": yes
- commas: yes
- periods at the end of a line: yes
- apostrophes: yes
- his text is bold just like his manner of speaking; unbolds if lowers the voice
- capitalizes key words
- despite looking very excited, doesn't use more than one exclamation point

VI: Gosh, what a Wonderful day to be alive, and what a Wonderful morning to tell Sirage I love her! In fact, I'm gonna do just that, as soon as I finish this Cup of Non-Specific Liquid.
CLASSPECTRogue of Space



Rypite has a 12 star anchorman-esque look/voice/smile, speaks in inspirational slogans, is quite charismatic and generally shaped like a friend. He's very genuine, open and excited about everything. Basically, he's the living embodiment of the "you tried" star.

He gives his all to his job, but unfortunately, he doesn't have much to give on his own, so he often resorts to looking for inspiration or just blatantly stealing and recycling ideas from others, perhaps not even realizing it. But since it's something that Repiton condones and encourages, it has no negative effect on his job.

Rypite is a clean and organized guy himself, filling in that role for Sirage, but can get creatively messy. In particular, he obsessively hoards stuff that inspires him on the current subject, then throws it all away and starts anew. Rypite prefers to keep moving on and never look back at past mistakes, although that doesn't really help him learn from them. His work can suffer from that, as he's more comfortable with pushing more ideas rather than developing the ones he already has.

In contrast to Voy, Rypite quite enjoys his rigid scheduled lifestyle; he realizes that change is important for what he's doing, but is having a hard time trying to do something new or different. Working with a clean slate is truly the worst thing imaginable for him. 

Some can also be too condescending to him, not taking him seriously or seeing him as a useless addition to Sirage. But he's there to socialize and make important connections for her, as well as keeping her spirits up. Contrary to what many people think, he's perfectly capable of getting upset, and being considered useless or uncreative really get to him sometimes, but he can't afford himself to give up for the sake of himself, his matesprit and employees. He's accused of wearing rose-colored glasses and intentionally ignoring or diminishing serious problems, but giving into the universal sadness would be the end of him. Naive and unrealistically optimistic or not, he's the emotional backbone for many people, and intends to stay such.

  Good/neutral traits

  • charming, inspirational, persistent, persuasive;
  • honorable, loyal, affectionate, appreciative, supportive;
  • cooperative, obedient;
  • dimplomatic, courteous, tolerant;
  • extroverted, spunky, friendly, enthusiastic, passionate;
  • empathetic, kind, nurturing, protective, wholesome;
  • generous;
  • honest;
  • simple, trusting;
  • optimistic, idealistic;
  • organized, dependable;
  • gentle, sentimental;
  • curious, easygoing, adaptable, whimsical;
  • selfless, humble

  Bad traits

  • a bit pushy;
  • enabling, blind follower;
  • subservient;
  • conflict-averse;
  • verbose, exhausting;
  • easily exploited;
  • extravagant;
  • an open book for everyone;
  • naïve, gullible;
  • romanticist, scared of negativity;
  • uncreative, repetitive;
  • sensitive;
  • impulsive and irrational at times;
  • overlooked/underappreciated


  Sirage Feltri: Bonded matesprits. Rypite is the kind of guy to make an entire presentation about how much he loves his wife. He calls her cheesy pet names like "honeybunch" and "sugarcube", and Sirage calls him hideous things like "schmoopsie buckums" just to poke fun at him. He greatly admires her drive and confidence and is happy to obey her playful whims. She makes him feel appreciated, and he tries his best to be the balance she needs in her messy life. Fortunately or unfortunately, he closes his eyes on her missteps more often than not.
  Hayyan Refero: Moirails. They both appreciate guns and puzzles and have been in the corporate sphere for years, what else do you need? Rypite is one of the few people who can make her smile, and she's a good confidant and a protective friend.

  Cepros Xirong: ???

  Voysto Fiksum: ???

  Phoene Pegmin: ???

  Degner Veibod: Tries to excuse the guy's eccentric nature and humors him, but never really feels comfortable around and avoids getting into a conversation unless Sirage can save him.

  Cinare Montor: Get along fine. Isn't as scary as he originally thought. She finds him oddly charming and can't wrap her head around that.

  Sestro Enthal: Respects and admires, really wants to be his friend and shake his hand. Never got a chance to even speak with him, though.

  Raurou Dersal: Hard to approach, but seems to mean well and makes fantastic food. Could become good friends if they get to know each other better.

Credit: Xamag