Phillip London



5 years, 8 months ago


Personality: He was just an insecure dude who wants to be a better parent than his parents were. He wanted a wife and kids and a peaceful life. He was very self blaming, and was always a bit of a lone wolf.

Backstory: He was raised in an old smelly apartment. Phillip was named Phillippina because all of his siblings were girls, and his parents never had a boy before, so they weren't ready for him. His parents neglected him, always paying attention to and praising his older sisters. Because of his general unpopularity amongst his parents, his older sisters loved to gloat and rub it in his face. It wasn't any better at school, either. He was a straight A student in everything (except gym), and because of that he was always the nerdy kid at the back of the class. Always picked last for teams cause of his scrawny posture, was called names like "egghead" and "Poindexter". After graduating, Phillip immediately was desperate to live his dream of becoming a famous scientist. He was a whiz in college, relieved that the bullying was  reduced there (cause everyone is at least slightly a nerd), and he finally got his degree.
One day, Wynnonna Carpenter, founder of the SAS, pulled up to him. "You there, four-eyes!" She snapped. It was the first words she ever said to him.
Somehow, Phillip managed to find interest in this woman, and was stoked when she asked him if he was a scientist. He nodded, and was lured into working at SAS by that damned skank.

Extra notes: Was shot in the head and killed, massively crushing on Barb, has probably like never said fuck he's too pure, voice claim: SorrowTV (regular speaking voice) (suggested by SkeleTelestic on the forums), theme song: MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - "I AM NOT A ROBOT"