


7 months, 14 days ago


My Normal-type fake eeveelution.

  Feel free to make your own briareon character! Thorn accents can be  red, black, white, or brown, but their eyes are always red. Most  briareons have silvery, healed scars from the trainers that made them  evolve, but all briareons have the dark cuffs and cheetah-like tear  tracks as a fur pattern. (these marks tie into the origin story of the  first briareon, whose evolution was so traumatic it affects its entire  species)  

Briareon, the Mutinous Pokemon (BREHR-ee-on)

Type: Normal

Briareon is an evolution of Eevee that happens when it has a full-force Frustration in its moveset when leveling up. It has thorns in its ruff and puffball tail, and their color shows that Pokemon's mental state and power:

  • red = hate the Trainer and/or are in a very dark mental place
  • brown or deep violet if Shiny = likes the Trainer and/or is fully recovered from the trauma that caused its evolution.
  • black and white thorns mean a very, very powerful PKMN, basically mythic-level power and rarity.
    • Black means that the PKMN has let themself be consumed by some ultimate, incurable hatred. Briareon with black thorns should be avoided at all costs.
    • White means the PKMN has cultivated saintlike patience and kindness. It's rumored that the first Briareon, if it's even still alive, has white thorns.

Dex Entry: This rabbit-like evolution of Eevee reveals the true nature of its Trainer through its colored ruff and tail thorns. Brown and white bode well, but woe to the Trainer whose Briareon has black or red thorns.

Abilities: Run Away, (Signature Ability) Briar Patch - all weather and opponent  stat moves have the opposite effect, (Hidden) Insubordinate  1/50  chance, upon use of a Normal-type move, to use a different move from  Briareon's movepool.

Signature Move: Underdog - 10pp, 80 power, 100 accuracy special attack Normal-type move. It always crits on Rock, Fighting, and Steel pokemon, or when briareon is 10 or more levels below the opponent, or when Briareon has 25% or less HP. Also 1/25 chance to confuse opponent. Learned at level 50. Game entry: The user surprises the foe with a sudden burst of power, possibly confusing the foe.

Stats: Atk 80, Spec Atk 80, Def 90, Spec Def 65, Spd 65, HP 65

Alternates to "the Mutinous Pokemon": Briar Angels, Spiteful Type:Null, Underdog's Friend, the Underdog Pokemon

Miscellaneous Info: A result of an abused Team Rocket eevee finally pushed too far. Upon the first briareon's evolution, its thorns proved both effective defense and deadly offense. Modern briareon generally just run away at the first opportunity after evolution. Briareon as a species are meant to embody the idea of "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger... eventually." Most briareon spend a lot of time recovering from their usually-traumatic evolution and the abuse that preceded it. Newly-evolved briareon are obvious from their red-tipped thorns. 

Briareon are also known as caretakers of other, weaker pokemon. Some stay with their original trainers to protect the rest of their team. Wild briareon are well-documented caretakers of weak and abused wild pokemon, usually setting up a "briar patch" or secure den where they sleep in a big pile with all their friends. Some recover from their trauma by helping others. Some, like Zero, recover by being taken care of. 

Rescued briareon are a boon to any good Trainer, especially with their unique Abilities. Besides good Trainers, recovering or recovered briareon tend to gravitate towards certain types of humans - rebels, abuse victims, children, and tricksters can find fast friends in the Mutinous Pokemon, provided they never overstep their new friend's boundaries. Briareon have all left at least one human behind. They can always leave again.

Original concept based on that one Brother Rabbit story where he gets thrown into the briar patch by the fox, but was born there, so the thorns can't hurt him. Born of fire, now able to withstand the flames...