Cretas Mglina



5 years, 8 months ago


"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Basic info

PRONOUNSHe/him (trans man)
BLOOD CASTEPurple Amethyst (#630BCD)
TROLL TAGnuminousMould
OCCUPATIONMakes and sells clay pots for various purposes. Repitonian river water is slightly better than the ocean water, but not much, so it's still regarded as a pretty weird and dangerous job.
Comes with a piece of plasticine that he has to sculpt the closest approximation of the object out of in order to get it. Considering how time-consuming and frustrating it can be, Cretas prefers to only store objects of simple and distinctive shapes.
HIVEA crudely made clay house that looks like swallow's nest, by a river delta.
LUSUSMutated three-headed swan.
He's quite a jerk most of the time. Cretas secretly believes in swans singing beautiful songs before their deaths, so on one hand, he'd love to end his fairly unpleasant and unstable relationship with his custodian and get to hear that, but on the other, wishing him death doesn't sit well with Cretas.
INTERESTSGymnastics and ballet: Cretas doesn't know much about ballet in terms of dancing, but he is a pretty flexible guy and would like to learn its magic one day. Sometimes he secrectly watches the performance records and tries to repeat after them, but always ends up clumsily embarrassing himself. He also loves sculpting, whether it's figurines out of the clay he finds on his shore, or simple sandcastles. He also collects pretty stones, shells and whatever other stuff he can find on the shore for his pots and sculptures.
- first letter of a sentence: no
- after a period: sometimes, when he's in a manic state
- names: yes
- "I": no
- commas: no
- periods at the end of a line: yes
- apostrophes: yes, replaces them with ";"
Replacement: "d", "D" with "Δ"
- abuses ellipsis a lot
- uses ;;

NM: this is riΔiculous..... who Δo they think they are...... ;;
NM: Pramen that's enough i Δon;t have to put up with it.............




Cretas is usually quiet, shy and timid, but can be very impulsive and aggressive, and has plenty of pent-up anger. If Helica tries to seem loud and aggressive on the outside to scare her threats off despite being a weak crybaby, Cretas has the same storm on the inside, but won't let it out.

Doing Things Right is very important to him, and he finds it frustrating that things aren't just black and white. He doesn't think too highly of himself, so it's much more comforting for him to know that X is 100% "evil", and if he doesn't support it, he can consider himself "good" and stop beating himself up about it. He picks a cause and gets ready to die on that hill, forgetting all nuance and ignoring things that don't support his beliefs. However, he's not the kind of guy to be stuck with one ideology forever, and he can go from one extreme to another in a snap if it's convincing enough.

Cretas is quite gullible and can be easily influenced or talked into something, lacking the desire to form his own thoughts and opinions without someone backing them up, basically being the blank canvas for anyone willing to fill it. Perhaps he's capable of it, but as soon as someone slightly more assertive than him enters the picture, Cretas backs out of it and turns into their shadow. 

He follows to Quever's strong lead and is very bold about doing and saying things Quever approves of, but acts absolutely lost and helpless without his direction. Unfortunately, his passion is always for someone else rather than himself, and it's meant to prove his allegiance so that people can validate his fragile sense or worth. 

Cretas is genuinely sad about the state of the planet and wants to see the world become a better place again. Because of that, he clings to the idea of Kheparia eventually saving them as the most accessible solace, and is very devoted to it.

  Good/neutral traits

  • cautious;
  • discreet, empathetic;
  • creative, imaginative;
  • disciplined, obedient;
  • idealistic, trusting;
  • introverted, pensive;
  • devoted;
  • loyal, appreciative;
  • passionate;
  • supportive, protective;
  • gentle, sentimental;
  • humble, selfless

  Bad traits

  • ignorant, prejudiced, suspicious;
  • easily exploitative;
  • superstitious;
  • subservient, timid, indecisive, insecure;
  • naïve, gullible;
  • inhibited;
  • fanatical, obsessive;
  • needy, dependent;
  • impulsive, compulsive, irrational;
  • aggressive;
  • sensitive;
  • self-forgetting


  Quever Efirce: Bonded matesprits. Cretas admires everything about him, but most of all, his ability to stay optimistic and have the strength and desire to lead and help other people, despite Quever's fragile condition. Cretas looks at him absolutely wide-eyed and is ready to follow his partner anywhere.
  Pramen Kasazh: Pramen is the closest equivalent of a brother he's ever had. In Cretas' eyes he's smarter because he's older, even though that's far from reality. Being able to lead people as well as Quever and Pramen is a feat to him.
  Gerbat Batrav: ???

Credit: Xamag