Alexzander Amour



5 years, 8 months ago


Alexzander Amour, Alex for short, is the CEO of a very successful company called Specialised and Practical Aesculapian Reviewed Research Opportunities Worldwide (SPARROW). SPARROW is a very controversial company from what little information is known to the public, as most of their experiments are kept under wraps. The company conducts experiments on their human test subjects, who are paid significant amounts of money to be there. In a world where people are born with heightened abilities like fast healing, or extremely good memory, SPARROW aims to find the limits of these new abilities. The experiments can range from simple blood tests to vivisection that tests physical and mental limits. Many people accuse SPARROW of just being a torture company for the sadistic employees to get off to, which isn't entirely false for some of them, but the gruesome details of what goes on in the SPARROW building is kept secret. 

Alex was born with super fast healing, meaning he would recover from injuries extremely quickly. His parents also conducted studies on these new superhuman "powers" that were coming up, and they discovered that if you transfer the DNA of one person who has the ability to heal quickly to another person who does not, it will grant them that ability. Much of Alex's childhood was spent taking blood from him to transfuse into their test subjects. It didn't create the best childhood memories, but it helped spark the inspiration for SPARROW. 

As Alex began college, he met another student named Josh. They were both studying to get into a good pre-med program. They weren't very close friends, but they knew each other and would talk after class or in the library, where Josh always seemed to be. When Alex realized medicine wasn't for him and transferred to the school's psychology department, Josh even volunteered to be the subject of a psychology project Alex had to do. However, one day, Josh became suddenly cut off from everyone around him. He was quieter than before, and much colder than before. He refused to tell Alex what happened, and Alex was desperate to find out what the issue was. So he began his research. His extensive research on Josh quickly became an obsession, and he had to stop himself from even paying attention to him to avoid becoming a full-on stalker. 

Josh graduated a year earlier than Alex, since his superhuman memory allowed him to remember everything he'd ever learned. Alex convinced himself to drop it and move on with his own life, but Josh never left his mind. Alex began developing the groundwork for SPARROW, and was able to get the company off the ground very soon after his graduation. Having connections really helps. In a few years, he tracked down Josh again and found that despite having a well paying dentistry job, he still had extreme amounts of student debt to pay off. Alex was able to coerce him into taking a job offer at SPARROW. He began following him again, and his sadistic, obsessive side finally showed when he found excitement in cutting Josh open. For science, of course. 

Despite his twisted interior, he's extremely good at keeping a normal (ish) exterior. As a businessman, he's friendly and welcoming to new clients and employees of SPARROW, and makes sure to leave a good impression when making public appearances. He's good at keeping his signature smile on his face when dealing with people, maybe a little too good. He's manipulative enough to get his way, and if that for some unlikely reason doesn't work, he's rich enough to bribe his way. Despite his best efforts, though, something about him is always off. Maybe it's the fact that he often wears sunglasses to avoid you seeing his eyes? Maybe it's because there's no emotion in his smile and it's much more of a mask than his real face? Maybe it's the fact that some of his actions are just off-putting to many, for reasons they can't quite put their finger on. He's 'trustworthy', but you feel you shouldn't trust him. 

(I made him a playlist, check it out: