🌷 Tulip 🌷



6 months, 16 days ago


NFT / NFS ‼️‼️

✨🫶🏻 Forever Homed 🫶🏻✨

Art Fight Link - https://artfight.net/character/4509872.tulip

Species - Ikytomo

Credits - https://toyhou.se/~world/91074.ikytomos 

Sunix on discord


Name - Tulip

Nickname - Tulli (Tool-e)

Age - 17 (based off of human years)

Height - 12.5 cm

Gender - Female

Pronouns - She / They

Sexuality - Aro / Ace

Occupation - Works in a music shop making instruments and giving music lessons to younger iky’s

Extra - has heterochromia


Personality - Think “ooo this big goant monster that could flick me and i’d be dead? looks like a new BFF!! =D”. Tulip is very much a oblivious, VERY CLUMSY, sweetheart with a sense of “i must be a chaos ADHD gremlin and do stuff that might kill me for the thrill of it”. She loves meeting new people and being a reason other iky’s smile. She is a class-clown who attaches very easily to new people (like a lil parasite that isn’t necessarily good or bad or neutral and you don’t know if you wanna keep the parasite of kick it out a window)  Aside from her chaos side, Tulip had a heart of gold and loves to learn  Her chill sides includes her sitting down in the top of the tallest tree in the village and making new songs on her guitar  


Backstory - Tulip is a very chaotic being who grew up in a farming village. She loves to explore and scavange. One of her main things she does in her spare time is make music with her guitar. She has a animal connection (aka animal bff), a Canis Agaricales (aka mushroom wolf) named Daisy who has been her best friend for years


Canis Agaricales lore - I made a species for the iky’s called Canis Agaricales (aka mushroom wolf). When a iky is born (especially ones with very strong connections with nature or born in farmer villages) a newborn animal (like a Canis Agaricales) makes a immidate connection to them and they stay connected in freindship and loyality for life. After the years go by the Canis Agaricales coat starts to adapt to their icky connection. Canis Agaricales have the crystal communication adaptors in their tails and hips

Name - Daisy

Nickname - Daiz (Day-sch)

Gender - Female

Height - 16 cm

Age - 17 (based off of human years / Born same day as Tulip)


                                     - Friends -

Twig - https://toyhou.se/20942893.twig 

Avox - https://toyhou.se/22838061.avox