


6 years, 1 month ago


Let's Snuggle ...

Nickname "Baby"
Age 18
Gender Female
Species Harpy
Ethnicity British
Job Pet Shop Worker
Role Protagonist

A Girl On Fire...

We were on fire. I slashed your tires. It's like we burned so bright we burned out. I made you chase me. I wasn't that friendly. My love, my drug, we're messed up, oh.

'Cause I've been on the run so long they can't find me. You waking up to remember I'm pretty. And when the chemicals leave my body. Yeah, they're gonna find me in a hotel lobby 'cause...

"Mmm tough times"

A piece of the past...

they keep coming. All night laughing and ----. Some days like I'm barely breathing. Then after we were high and the love dope died, it was you.

The pill I keep taking. The nightmare I'm waking. There's nothing, no nothing, nothing but you. My perfect rock bottom. My beautiful trauma. My love, my love, my drug.

Let's Talk More

  • Pretty Code. Felt Cute. Might Delete Later Jk. I won't I just like to overuse memes
  • Filler Text is the lyrics to Beautiful Trauma by P!nk. One of my fave songs...
  • Only has one giant scroll because I didn't want to overuse the scrolling mechanics for this haha.
  • Character featured her is my girl ALBI! The art used for her avatar is by radiiiance go follow her she makes cute art.
  • This theme uses custom colors, but it's pretty simple, so it goes in the basic catergory! Might make an even simpler version in the future!
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • A
  • B
  • C


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