Local Affirmative (Professor Lokal)



5 years, 1 month ago


✦ Prof. Lokal
Name Lokal
Gender nonbinary (xe/xem)
Species Delven
Job divination professor
Affiliation Academy University of Magic (Magic U)
✦ Divination Professor

originally born and raised in an underground Delven city
would rather be underground
has prophetic dreams and always had a proclivity towards divination; as a child was sent to one of the larger Delven cities for special training to hone this gift. Knows xyr stuff.
sort of unofficially exiled after having a bit of a meltdown and is unwelcome back home. Xe's cagey about the actual reason xe left and tends to make it sound like resource shortage or encroaching humans forced xem above ground or something.
still a bit of a grudge against the surface races but has learned to tone this down to keep HR off xyr back
xyr sleep is badly mucked up by xyr dreams, has suffered from narcolepsy since childhood. Understands the things that set it off and does xyr best to manage it, but still occasionally passes out unexpectedly.
preference for static as tool of choice for divination -- TV static, radio white noise, etc.
married to 108 - a TV xe used primarily for divination that became unexpectedly self-aware and began using Lokal's divination to communicate with xem. Neither of them understand where 108 came from, but he's here now.
108's curiosity about the surface world was the main thing that got Lokal to actually participate in society again after xyr exile. Xe's cynical and suspicious and mistrusting, but is able to find some value in the place that 108 loves so much.
Lokal and 108 are attached at the hip. When 108 was just a TV, Lokal wheeled him around with xem everywhere. Once they figured out how to build him a body, 108 just kept tagging along. He's considered both Lokal's partner and an accomodation for xyr medical condition, someone who knows what to do if something happens to xem.
Lokal is competent in xyr subject but a harsh teacher. If you can teach yourself and have thick skin, Prof. Lokal will be an extremely valuable source of information and insight, as well as someone who understands both innate gifts and academic training. If you need gentle guidance, though, xe will be the worst professor you've ever had.

Delven race created by MagpieM, profile html by Hukiolukio