Character Directory (2. College)



5 years, 7 months ago


Research Squad

Seranet Delafelta
Male | Young adult | Botanist, chemist, doctor, researcher | Straight
Word count 1600 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Up to date
Profile detail Detailed
About Seranet

Seranet is a College affiliate currently working in research together with Chiara, Ayla, and Neridan to cure a highly virulent parasitic outbreak in his region. Over many years he finished his studies as a botanist, a chemist, and a doctor, and while he has experience working and researching all three fields, his heart lies at the research of disease, the development of medicine, and working with patients, which combines all of his fields of expertise at once.

Several years ago, his research went broad and was more based on plant-based medicine, but when coming into contact with patients infected with a newly emerged deadly parasitic worm, he caught the parasite himself and had to completely refocus his research topic to find a way he could survive.

With the idea of a rapidly approaching death engraved into his mind, he looked at previous research for a lead and picked up hundred year old research after reading the journal of a group of researchers who dealt with the same issue. Their method sounded like his only remaining option, but it would require him to stabilise the failed medicine. He’d lie his way through achieving the help he’d need to get it to work, as once successful the medicine would have an interesting secondary working he’d rather keep to himself.

After a journey abroad where he found a material that could just be the key to getting the medicine to work, he’s back to working on it harder than ever, fearful that once he gets it to work it may not cure him of his death sentence.

Seranet's profile

Chiara Celvas
Female | Adult | Chemist, botanist, assistant | Shapeshifter: life + death mage | Straight
Word count 900 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Outdated
Profile detail Detailed
About Chiara

Chiara's profile

Female | Ra'sha | Adult | Herbalist's assistant | Straight
Word count 400 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Up to date
Profile detail Basic
About Ayla

Ayla's profile

Neridan Gorah
Male | Adult | Researcher, mercenary | Master frost mage | Bi
Word count 1800 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs rewrite
Profile detail Detailed
About Neridan

Neridan's profile

Male | Familiar | Frost magic | Owned by Neridan
Word count 450 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Outdated
Profile detail Average
About Zeanu

Zeanu's profile


Yani Viori
Male | Adult | Immortal | Weaponised light and darkness master | Comatose and imprisoned | Bi
Word count 1250 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Up to date
Profile detail Detailed
About Yani

A bright and sociable man, Yani is a mage whose aspiring progress led him to a watery grave.

Yani always found success in his life, and through his wit, his creativity, and his bright personality his College officials noticed his strength and invited him into a program that would let him change the world. Agreement led to a successful enhancement of both his magic and body, granting him immortality and powers of destruction as he trained.

Not long after he reached the awakening of his new powers, a spinal injury led to the decision to put him into an artificial coma for a few years to let his body restore the severe damage that was caused and have him emerge a healthy weapon ready to be deployed. Plans were halted when his body was stolen by the Guild and he was put into a prison of water where he couldn't breathe, he couldn't eat, he couldn't drink, and he couldn't grow to become more powerful.

Despite its best efforts, they never managed to uncover what secrets Yani held, and fear led them to keep the man under and do anything to prevent him from waking up. As the years dragged on and he was slowly forgotten about, it became more and more of a question if this was a good idea at all.

Yani's profile

Knives and Roses

Brutus the Wrecker
Cassius Amarante | Male | Adult | Botanist, explorer | Gay
Word count 200 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Up to date
Profile detail Intro
About Brutus

Brutus' profile

Department of Analytics

Kari Teslow
Female | Adult | Physicist, researcher | Darkness mage | Lesbian
Word count 240 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Basic
About Kari

Kari is a former Guild member who left after losing her girlfriend to another of its members and not managing to get them persecuted. She joined the College to keep her combat skill up while also pursuing her interest in magic, something the Guild absolutely condemned and was punishable by death.

In her short stay she's met up with two other College members; Travis, a fellow darkness mage, and Ben, a wind mage. The two became good friends of hers in no time and are still the people she's around the most to this day.

Although she's just a beginner, she aims to become a better darkness mage and to use her knowledge and skills to get a better understanding of the soul. For now, she works under secrecy, as it's still not clear to her whether or not the College would condone what she's trying to accomplish.

Kari's profile

Travis Helforde
Male | Young adult | Researcher | Death healing mage | Amputee | Straight
Word count 630 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Basic
About Travis

Travis' profile

Benethel Ferare
Male | Young adult | Researcher | Wind mage | Bi
Word count 320 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Up to date
Profile detail Basic
About Benethel

Benethel's profile

Eyir's Justiciar

Epheil Crace
Male | Young adult | Persecutor | Fire mage | Blind | Gay
Word count 480 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Basic
About Epheil

Epheil's profile

Female | Familiar | Fire magic | Owned by Epheil
Word count 775 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Average
About Shadri

Shadri's profile

Kenarii Visitors

Eryn Theodon
Male | Young adult | Life healing mage | Gay
Word count 990 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Basic
About Eryn

Eryn's profile

Male | Young adult | Mute | Bi
Word count 380 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Basic
About Mortimer

Mortimer's profile

Germ Busters

Francis Kayd
Male | Young adult | Doctor | Gay
Word count 650 words
Completion Incomplete
Status Needs revision
Profile detail Average
About Francis

Francis is a timid medicine man who picked up the job because of his constantly ill friend. He's a quiet guy who doesn't smile a lot but does enjoy good company.

Originally destined to become a businessman like his absent parents, but changed his studies to medicine man when he wanted to achieve more than that. He takes enjoyment in helping other people and finding cures for the ill. He hasn't had the best relationship with his parents ever since but makes up for it with his friendship with Riley and his family.

Francis' profile

Riley Fiscuse
Male | Young adult | Gay
Word count 0 words
Profile detail Empty
About Riley

Riley's profile


Quinn O'Neil
Male | Straight
Word count 0 words
Profile detail Empty
About Quinn

Quinn's profile ()

Forbidden Crafts

Proskenion of Milos
Male | Bi
Word count 0 words
Profile detail Empty
About Proskenion

Proskenion's profile ()

Code by ElithianFox