Inveja Costa Oliveira



5 years, 7 months ago



Name Inveja Costa Oliveira
Height Human: 5’10" // Demon: 6'9"
Ethnicity Brazillian
Age 498
Birthdate January 12
Zodiac Capricorn
Species Demon (Greed Tier/Envy Subtier)
Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Owner of a pawn shop
Voice Desc. N/A
Theme N/A
Creator Bucket
Playlist N/A
Design Notes

  • Always has green in her outfits somewhere.
  • Almost always has on gem choker.
  • Dresses like the badass she is.
  • Loves jewelry and shows that love by wearing a lot of it.
  • Fishnets. Always fishnets.

Inveja isn't one to show much emotion. She tends to be rather expressionless on the outside. It's not necessarily by choice, but she's got a bad case of RBF. She seems kind of unapproachable--and sometimes she is--but if you manage to catch her in a good mood, you could probably hold a solid conversation with her. She has some trust issues, hence why she's lacking in the mate deparment despite her age and want for one. She is absolutely the kind of person to take you up on your bullshit and will not hesitate to fiTE someone that lies or tries to cheat her out of something.


  • What kind of drunk...? - Hmm.. as a demon affiliated with greed, maybe she would be the aggressive type of drunk that keeps chugging and chugging. If someone tries to take the glass from her she might either a) hiss at them or b) actually maul them. Keeps the bartender's attention at all costs and overloads them asking for mixes and demanding to try every single kind of alcohol in their stock. Everyone else goes home that night irritable that she monopolized the attention but nobody's brave enough to say anything about it. Kane

When Injeva was only a young demon, her father took her away from her mother. They hid away in Brazil and he rarely told her about her mother, even when she asked. Inveja would only get either half-assed answers or none at all. She often found herself envious of families she saw. Seeing how happy they were made her feel very upset and she began longing for that same kind of relationship. However, in her situation, that was impossible.


  • Things
  • Gems
  • Shiny Things
  • Green

  • Close-minded people who refuse to even try to change
  • Seeing others with things she can't have
  • Not having THinGS
  • Deep conversations
  • When people can't tell if she's being sincere or not

Diina Qadir | Friend

Dii is a friend of Inveja's. They have lunch dates sometimes to gossip and vent about dumb shit to each other.

Imelda | Mother

Imelda is Inveja's mom. She only recently managed to track her down in an attempt to kindle a bond they never had time to form.