June Isserman



5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

June Miles Isserman


July, Jujube, Miles








15 years old


August 3rd


Trinidadian (Lives in Canada)




Trans Girl


June is a character in my story: The Kids Are Alright. She has a wonderful mom, dad, and older sister. She's an extremely extroverted, and excitable girl and loves to make people laugh. Her bright personality can light up a room, and she relishes being in the centre of attention. June was born in Trinidad but moved to Canada when she was 9. Her dad found a better opportunity in Canada and rerooted her whole family. June realized she was trans at age 11 and her family was incredibly accepting. They love her unconditionally and this was no exception. June misses Trinidad a lot, her house was incredibly close to the beach and she used to swim almost every day, extremely dangerous waves being the only barrier. Sure her school wasn't in the best condition but all of her friends were there! The mango trees in her backyard were the perfect treat, and she got reALLY good at climbing trees. She misses her home fiercely but she decided to make the best of her situation living in Ottawa, Ontario. 

June goes to her local high school and is honestly way more popular than she ever thought she would be. Although people are a bit intimidated by her, they also are drawn in by her happy personality and don't want to get on her bad side. She's one of those happy kids who always tries to make her friends as happy as she is. She somehow knows exactly what you need when you feel upset. She would just as easily know when to joke about "taking your depression behind a Denny's at 3am and beating it up" to try and cheer you up as she would stay with you while you cry and check on you to make sure you shower and eat and cook meals for you. June's extremely funny and is,,,,,basically a living meme. She would like to become a comic when she grows up but thinks it would disappoint her family. She's settled on a lawyer as a more stable career. Although, her grades aren't the best in the world, so she honestly has no idea how she's going to make that work. June also has a weird habit of not wearing anything but summer clothes. She refuses to wear anything but summer clothes, even in the cold Canadian winter. It's something that carried over from her time in Trinidad. She feels that warmer clothes are too constricting and make her limbs feel weird. Her parents have had to force her to put a jacket on when it was -40 degrees celcius. She begrudgingly accepted it because otherwise she would've gotten frostbite, but she hated every minute of it. 

June, being as bright and positive as she is, tends to forget about her other emotions, and sometimes even self-care. She just, forgets that she can feel anything other than happiness and with all good intentions tends to shove anything else to the side a bit (think Joy from inside out). June also has ADHD, which can make her completely forget about anything she has to do to keep herself healthy sometimes. 

As popular as she is, June only has a couple of close friends that she trusts with everything. June met Finn Lovell as he walked in the doors of her high school for his freshman year. He was being picked on by some assholes that didn't understand and therefore didn't like him. June walked up to the assholes, smiled at them, and told them to fuck the hell off. They did, no one really wants to be disliked by June, it just feels bad. Finn thanked her immensely and gave her a smile that immediately interested her. He seemed alarmingly wholesome and her motherly instincts kicked in, she wanted to protect this boy wearing the cutest dress she'd ever seen. She invited Finn over to her lunch table third period and they've been friends ever since. June really trusts Finn. He's the most genuine person she's ever met, especially in a high school. He quickly became one of her closest friends. 



Finn Lovell: June has an incredible friendship with Finn. She has always been there for him, giving advice and offering as much support as she can. June loves Finn like a little brother and will protect him with her life. Finn often gets bullied behind his back but June is anything but a bystander, she will stand up to anyone that is hurtful towards Finn. June has never felt such a familial connection to anyone that isn't blood-related to her. He's a freshman when she's a sophomore. 

Teddy Flores: Acquaintances - June is pretty friendly with Teddy. They always say hi to each other in the halls, and June always tries to make it out to the soccer games to support Teddy and the team when she can. She's a senior when June is a sophomore. 

Mari Fernsby: Acquaintances - June knows Mari mostly through Teddy, but they're friendly! June looks up to Mari a lot. She's a senior when June's a sophomore.