


5 years, 7 months ago


General Information

name: mortis ( mortie is reserved for close friends, however do not call him mort )
age: 28
birthdate: n / a
residence: verse dependent
sex / gender: male / male
orientation: homosexual

Physical Information

hair color: black with purple undertones
eye color: pink
height: 6'4"
build: athletic, definitely built for speed but can hold his own with his strength. decent muscle tone visible in his arms / upper torso and legs. flat stomach


level / class: 15 / rogue ( or the class equivalent depending on verse )
class tree: thief > assassin or rogue
inventory: knife / steel sword / elixir


family: haha no
country: verse dependent
occupation: jack of all trades available for hire

a man with multiple talents in the art of information gathering, lockpicking, torturing and assassination, he offers his skills as a jack of all trades in the underground / black markets to make a pretty penny for his work. it’s something of a past time for him as well as a job but he enjoys it all the same.

tends to force his ideals upon others, especially in regards to life and reality but only when it suits him / is convenient. this usually tends to be when he is in the process of torturing / killing someone for profit.

can definitely put on a nice act if he wants to but otherwise doesn’t quite care much about anything. tends to smile sweetly but have a horrid gaze to his eyes. a sadist to a t, though he doesn’t say out loud the sort of things he’d like to do to someone or how he would like to make them feel certain emotions, rather keeping it to himself to enjoy the thought before eventually exacting it all in the future should he receive a chance. doesn't always take care of his own wants / needs first, especially if it is unnecessary and said person he has his interests set on is ‘innocent’.

doesn’t quite like making women his victims but if it’s necessary / part of his job, he can’t complain about it.

has a fascination with blades of all kinds but favors knives a little more so as a weapon of choice. will use a sword if he’s in the mood.

note: mortis is a metaphysical solipsist. he operates on the sole belief that the external world and everything in it do not exist and have never been more than anything but an idea and / or dream. to him there is no other reality than the experiences he is currently at present experiencing, and that everyone within the experiences are just representations of his self and other past experiences of his own ( therefore, not one person or thing has an independent existence ). he has full belief that because he is the center of the world at current, he cannot see it without himself and should he die, he will ‘wake up’ from that dream ( and ultimately be in an entirely different reality / lifetime ). this thought process he applies to others as well, insinuating that people will do the same as him, i.e. should they die, they will wake up from the dream and be in another entirely different reality / lifetime.

because of this thought process, its also a bit of a scare tactic for him when he is the process of torturing / killing someone that he will mention such a thing and how in that next reality / lifetime when the person wakes, he will be in that reality / lifetime as well and continually will be.

this idealism of his is not something he talks about publicly but rather something he will mention in passing. him being a solipsist is not common knowledge and shouldn’t be known unless he tells someone outright about it ( a very, very rare occasion ).