Solar Glory



4 months, 6 days ago


he/him || unicorn || 17 years old

Solar and Woodland are twins from an intertribe couple, an earth pony and unicorn specifically. Due to divide between tribes at the era he lives in, his parents are forbidden lovers [romeo juliet fr], and thus have a long distance relationship between two towns though they are secretly married to each other. Their family contacts with letters and calls, and plan gatherings, however they are very few.

Solar lives with his dad, who’s in a highly respected position for raising the moon with other unicorns. Sarcastic and cynical, he’s very much a misanthropony. However, he has a passion for magic. Even if he’s not taken as seriously by the unicorn tribe itself. Not powerful, but dedicated to his studies anyway. Protective of his family and especially his twin, in a “only i can bully him” way. Loves the times he gets to spend time with his family and is sick of the segregation in Equestria.

Goes to a prestigious unicorn [this generation’s celestia school, sort of], and specify in combative magic. he does want and study more complex spells on his own, however his magic isn’t naturally as strong and he does struggle a bit on them. he’s achieves highly in his school, but combative is also considered the easiest to excel in too. Isn’t as respected among his peers due to his slightly weaker magic compared to everyone in school. he hates the pretentiousness of those around him, and can never really connect with them well.

also he loves tea btw lol