


5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Hotaru
Gender: cis man (he/him)
Age: adult

Personality: Hotaru is very proud of his looks and greatly enjoys showing off, especially by dancing. He also likes flirting with random strangers and friends alike, mostly because he loves seeing their varying reactions (and maybe his compliments will even improve their day and/or their confidence somewhat, which is always nice). Another favourite hobby of his is stargazing,he loves admiring the beautiful night sky and letting his thoughts run free.
Since he flirts so much, he has a lot of experience with the ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals and doesn’t mind sharing tips with others looking for advice. He’ll listen to them for however long they need him to, and if he doesn’t know how to help solve a particular problem, the fluffy mothcat will offer a warm hug instead.

Design notes:
-slightly curved wings

Vega: they nerd about constellations together and have their own club called "space nerd squad"

Trout: Hotaru gives him love advice and they look at the night sky together

Aquarius: is also a member of the space club (not as much of a space nerd as Vega and Hotaru,but still enjoys it)

Amelia: He helps her calm down if she's feeling particularly anxious, and they often spend time together just doing their own thing without talking

Toby: his honorary nephew

Vanilla and Khan: Hotaru often babysits Toby for them

-dancing-foggy nights, storms, light pollution
-stargazing (preferrably with a soft blanket and a hot beverage)overly pushy people
-giving others compliments/flirting (he loves making others feel good about themselves!)-bullies
-grooming his fur or others grooming it for him (bc he does this so often, his fur is always very soft and fluffy)-his friends being sad
-hugs!-accidentally making someone uncomfortable
-kittens, but only in small doses (looking after those chaotic fluffballs gets quite stressful for him after a while)-getting wet (when his fur dries again after, it fluffs up. A Lot)
-podcasts, especially those related to astrology-for the same reason as above, he also hates humid weather
-pop music-getting up early
-acoustic guitars (he can only play a few simple melodies himself, but greatly enjoys listening to others play more complicated tunes)-crickets (they're loud and annoying and impossible to catch, effectively also making them impossible to shut up)