Originally from the small town of Ebonwood, Ash was taken from her not so eventful life there. She is desperate to get home, as she was the sole provider for her younger sisters, making somewhat decent wages working at the arcade at the local mall. She can be a bit abrasive and critical of others around her, speaking her mind openly; this causes some problems among the group, but she really is trying her best to keep herself and everyone else together.
Her Guardian is Spriggan. These two are very similar in personality, which in the beginning is like putting two magnets of the same poles towards each other. However, they soften each other over time and end up pretty close, Spriggan feeling like a guiding figure Ash never had before. Spriggan's influence allows her to heal injuries.
She has an addiction to cigarettes she's working on kicking. When she's homesick, she wears the sweater that's tied around her waist.