


2 months, 28 days ago


Piper is a chipper and perceptive soul, often one to strike up conversations with strangers, or say things that other people could be more hesitant to say (which may or may not be insensitive sometimes lol). They are very honest, sometimes to their disadvantage, as their honesty is sometimes a little too "real" or "brutal" for others' liking. They never saw the point in lying, so they don't see the point in twisting the truth to make it sound nicer.

Piper is friends with Berry and Alder. Piper is usually the one to get them out of trouble (which they most likely caused in the first place) with her keen perception and generally nosy habits. She has known Berry and Alder since childhood, and although they aren't extremely close, they enjoy spending time together.

Piper is a mix between Squall Cutters (dragons with cunning speed and high altitude tolerance) and Eastern Dragons (The floaty, fluffy, long guys lol). She experiences Chimerism, with her dark half showing mainly Squall Cutter genes, and her lighter side showing Eastern Dragon genes. Her wings never fully developed because of her hybrid upbringing, and are practically useless. Since she has a partial crown of an Eastern Dragon, she can still float, but not for long periods of time.

Their backstory is in the works, so it will be edited in later!