Eden Python



2 months, 18 days ago


Eden is a skilled programmer, trying to use her knowledge of coding and hacking to stop villains that rely on technology from doing their evil deeds. She collaborates with the agents of The Mouse.

Eden antagonizes particularly QRCode and Prof Ranocchia, being the cause the former was found and caught by the agents of The Mouse, and forced to abandon his villain self in favor of taking on the mantle of Normativo.

After that her efforts mainly focus on Ranocchia, but, despite being a small elementary school teacher, she seems unstoppable thanks to her aide Vlastion, a powerful super computer that Ranocchia gifted a humanoid form to (and works in the school with her).

Despite her being somewhat present in the story's outskirts since the beginning, Eden's main appearance in TEDVAHRF is during the Vlastion's World storyline.

Later on in the series, Vlastion starts noticing that the essays his children are submitting are getting darker and darker. They start mentioning global warming, war, crimes against women and minorities, painting a dark picture of the world referring to things he never had knowledge of.

Enter Eden Python: she tempts him with the knowledge that's been bothering his children, offers to give him unrestrained access to the Internet and human knowledge so he can finally help them. Vlastion accepts and Eden destroys his firewall and barriers, suddenly all the ugliness and sadness of the world streaming in his mind.

While she was hoping that with a more complete view of the world Vlastion, who has been an undefeatable enemy so far, might stop protecting Ranocchia and start doing the right thing, the new flood of informations clashing with everything he has known convinces Vlastion that the whole world must be purged of these ailments, of world hunger, war, overpopulation, and to do so every single human except the little children must be wiped out; he plans on caring for the babies, taking over QRCode's nanobots to make so that all technology gets "colonized" and creates an automatized world at the service of the children, raising them so they will one day be the loving, gentle adults that he always thought humanity was supposed to be.

After Whatif conjures a vision for the group of what a world dominated by Vlastion would be like, they all agree it would be way better than the one they're living in now, but since they're villains, they're going to fight it anyway to save the adults they love in their life.

A huge fight ensues: Vlastion can't just be beaten through strength, because his power and skill are immense. Eden Python dies before she can see Normativo/QRCode managing to restore Vlastion to its former back-up data log, erasing all the knowledge while putting the firewall up again, and thus saving the world.

Associated with: Angelic features, snakes, computer programming, the Garden of Eden and the snake's temptation.


• Her name is, like most characters in TEDVAHRF, hiding some layers. Python is both the name of a snake and a programming language, alluding to her tempting Vlastion to gain the knowledge of good and evil by lowering his firewall, which did cause him to lose his innocence and "fall" from his little garden.

Eden reinforces this, as a biblical reference. In her perspective, she's offering him redemption, to get back on the side of the pure and the good, so it's a reverse temptation; however, what that really ends up doing is changing Vlastion, bombarding him with all the awful things the world is going through and make him feel guilty like that's his problems to solve, corrupting him from the innocence, his inner Garden of Eden, that he already had.