


8 years, 2 months ago






Adaline is the twelth child of her family, and the seventh daughter. She was an unexpected, but not unwelcome addition to an already large family, and enjoyed years in a comforting family enviroment. That coupled with her family's immense fortune had the potential to raise a spoiled and privileged girl - and yet she grew in to a humble and modest young woman anyways. Between assisting the servants occasionally to simply enjoying an enviroment with kind and generous people, Adaline was never tempted by greed or indulgence, choosing to instead give back whenever she could. This did, however lead to her growing to be somewhat ignorant and naive of the realities of life.

As she matured, she grew to understand the world around her more, between having her heart shattered and having reality come crashing down on her. Adaline understands that her ignorance is not an excuse, and while she does try to make up for her mistakes, sometimes she knows her actions are unforgiveable. She tries not to dwell on instances like this though, knowing that would bear nothing of balue for her or anyone affected. Instead she strives to move forward and learn as she experiences the world, whether it be for the better or worse.


$35 ($238.95 in art)
5' 3"
Slim (Slightly muscular)
Light Blue(L) - Dark Blue(R)
Slightly Tanned
Hair color
Blonde/Light Pink
Hair style
See Image.
  • Hair fades into a light pink at the ends! (It's not shading!)
  • The fur in her ear sparkles. 
  • Her tail also fades in to pink just like her hair. 
  • Remember - her eyes are two different colors!




  • Kind
  • Curious
  • Clumsy 
  • Naive


  • Dancing
  • Violin 
  • Cooking
  • Arcades


  • Rain
  • Loud Noise
  • Darkness
  • Swimming


"I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying....."

Adaline is an extremely generous and compassionate girl, always striving to help people whenever she is capable. She is humble and aware of the wealth and privilege she was born in to, and while she doesn't take it for granted it has made her a little ignorant and naive. She is never unintentionally cruel or dismissive of terrible situations, but her knowledge of the world doesn't always reach to the less privleged and lower income lifestyles. She is quick to apoligize for mistakes she makes, and acknowledges her own fault, but it's fairly common for her to misstep. Adaline still has a lot to learn about the world and unfortunate circumstances some may experience, but she does try. It is difficult to dissuade her from something once she has set her mind on it.

She is also a very emotional girl, prone to crying when stress builds up and hiding for a bit to calm down. She is normally a very socialable and outgoing person, but sometimes when she is faced with too much negativey she grows overwhelmed and retreats to a more comforting space. Adaline never isolates herself for often though, as she craves social interaction even when upset. She doesn't fear exposing her true feelings and emotions, so she can cry in front of others, but if she feels she cannot function she will withdraw.















Adaline has been practicing Violin since she was seven years old. She devotes at least thirty minutes to an hour daily practicing, though she has no raw talent. Her skill was built up over time, and while she doesn't match up to professionals she can play a few songs.



Adaline was taught by the servants on her estate how to cook, though her mother did help a bit as well. She is really only strong in French cuisine though, and tends to fail at more exotic dishes.

Fashion Design


Adaline enjoys planning out outfits, and in some cases designing custom outfits all together (though she has never thought to have anything made). She has sewed a few hats or scarves here and there.




Adaline is the last child born to her parents of twelve, though there were rumors of a thirteeneth child that were eventually dismissed. She was a little unexpected, but was welcomed to the family regardless. As an infant she cried easy and was startled by even the slightest noises. The young child spent a few extra days in the hospital due to breathing issues, but was eventually cleared to be released along with her mother. It was almost impossible to find Adaline on the ground, even after learning to walk with the sheer amount of family and servants that loved her. Eventually though it was forbidden to pick her up unless absolutely neccessary, as her parents were worried she would grow up spoiled. This change upset her a bit, but her childish mind was unable to focus on the issue for long.

A lot of time was spent with the servants of the house, as while her parents did love her they were very busy with her jobs. Her older siblings found it difficult and somewhat boring to play with her as well, so her entertainment was up to the servants. From them she learned to cook and clean, though she was only allowed to do a little here and there. Her mother occasionally joined in to teach her daughter important life skills as well, though these times were rare. Adaline treasued every moment she spent with her family. When she was about five years old, she was gifted a young bunny that she affectionately named Momiji. About a year later she awakened a unique power that gave her magical abilities and bonded her to Momiji. Momiji gained sentience and the ability to speak, but they would eventually learn that this came at a dire cost.

Momiji is a unique bunny, whose intelligence and maturity grew alongside Adaline. Unfortately for both them and her family, however, his sentience did not simply spawn out of nowhere. In order to give him sentience, her power reached out for the weakest soul that it could steal and imbue the young bunny with. This weak soul ended up being the unborn thirteeneth child of the family, who was pronounced stillborn a few days after she awakened her abilities. The concidence was not something her parents were ignorant to, and while they did not blame her or directly tell her, they were aware of what ahd happened to their thirteenth child. They dismissed the claims of her mother being pregnant, instead choosing to claim them to be a rumor to spare their child of the true knowledge. It was accepted, and no incdent occured - though her parents chose to have no more children out of grief for their thirteenth child.


As Adaline matured in to a bueatiful young lady, she and Momiji decided to broaden their horizons and look in to schools outside of their country. While Adaline did love France along with its culture and food, she wanted to experience more than just the same thing every day. Even Momiji, as easily entertained as he was, wanted to try something new. It took a little convincing due to her parent's overprotective nature, but they eventually conceded to their daughters wishes. Adaline eventually decided on Japan, which also happened to be the influence for Momiji's name. It took her about two years to learn Japanese fluently enough for her parents to allow her to move, but eventually she found herself flying over to make a new world for herself. Though she was required to give up her citizenship due to Japan's laws, meaning that she was permanently tied to the country, she was excited to experience something new.Her Japanese is fluent, though her speech is stiff and awkward. She is also learning English as well, though she is horrible with it and prefers Japanese or French.

Young Adulthood

As an adult she is capable of weilding her magical abilities to the fullest, though she is very careful about deploying them. Momiji still remains as youthful as ever, living longer than a normal rabbit thanks to the bond he shares with Adaline.





Natsu and Adaline attend the same highschool together. Natsu's quiet demeanor was offputting at first, but they soon realized neither were bad. They enjoy each other's presence in small dosages (mostly due to Natsu's preference for being alone).

Kaiyō Enatsu


Somewhat Friendly

The two of them are not malicious towards on another, but Kaiyō frightens her somewhat. He is loud, aggressive and blunt and is prone to nasty outbursts - all fo which terrifies her. They are classmates though, and she will help when she can.




Akira comes off as cold and uncaring at times, but the two have an understanding. She gives him treats occasionally, and he helps her out sometimes as well. They aren't too close, but close enough to consider the other a friend.