Rose Aura Quartz's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Cookiecat138 Global Rules


- you may resell for the price you paid plus any art you've added
- if you are gifted or traded a character, those character's value become $0 unless you add art
- you may redesign/tweak the characters at will
- you can edit/manipulate any of my art as long as my credit is still there
- i'd prefer if my gems stay as gems but you ARE allowed to change their species/fandom
- you cannot gift/trade/sell any of my previously owned characters to those on my blacklist
-please don't delete art of my art if you change the design. please move the old art to a tab or an "old design" part of the gallery. (this is for portfolio reasons in the "art" tab on my profile)


Tired of drama, my designs can go to anyone as long as they're not used to promote hate or to make a profit out of people.