


5 years, 6 months ago


AGE 24 (in 1914)

GENDER Male (he/him)




HEIGHT 5' 7"

RANK Lieutenant (Captain by 1916)

ROLE Infantry Officer



OUTWARD APPEARANCE: Cynical from being forced to grow up too fast, Jasper puts on a pretense of cocky bravado that could fool those who don't know him well but for close friends he's easier to read than he'd like.
APPROACHABILITY: Tends to keep people at a distance to avoid getting too close, Jasper doesn't make a habit of learning names of those joining his platoon.
LEADERSHIP: Often seen more as a father figure by the men and has been criticised for being "too soft" by the brass. It's not wise to try his patience as he can give a firm bollocking when needed.
ASSERTIVENESS: Has a do no harm, take no shit mindset which makes Jasper easy to get on with but has gotten him into trouble (with authority) for refusing to back down when he feels he's being walked over.
DEMEANOUR: Jasper has a been there, got the t-shirt feel to him. It's a farce to hide shot nerves; watch him close enough and you'll catch anxious ticks and how his hand sometimes shakes when he goes to light a cigarette.
EMOTIONS: Wears has his heart on his sleeve but he's also good at compartmentalizing when needed.
HONESTY: Won't sugar coat the truth but lacks tact so how he delivers it can be seen as rude.
HUMOUR: Dry and cynical humor laced with odd satirical commentary.
WORK ETHIC: Jasper can be so set on a goal he becomes blind to other options available to him. He never does anything by halves but can become so fixated on details he burns himself out in the process.
MENTALITY: Struggles with a mix of self-loathing, a crippling fear of failure and survivor's guilt that feed into each other and get worse as the war progresses. Has a tendency to overanalyze and worry over his mistakes.

LIKES HIKING Jasper loves the outdoors and hiking helps ease the sense of being caged he often has post-war.
DISLIKES NEEDLES Tends to panic; his blood pressure tanks after being poked so he's prone to passing out.
HOBBY IS PHOTOGRAPHY Being able to freeze moments in time is novel to him however he lacks understanding of the technical side.

GOOD HYGIENE Very meticulous over personal hygiene and grooming. It's a habit developed from the trenches.
SWEARS A LOT Has been fined for it; still uses fuck like a comma. Has to be constantly reminded not to swear because Jasper has no filter.
SMOKES Despite acknowledging it's a disgusting habit that does nothing for him. Chain smokes when stressed.

» Serves as an infantry officer in the 2nd battalion of the Manchester regiment; attached to D Company. It wasn't his first choice career (though being honest Jasper doesn't know what he wants to do) but he needed a job and was getting desperate and he finally got lucky at the recruiting office. Initially enlisted as rating, Jasper was talked into training as an officer to fill the shortfall of officers in Kitchener's Army.
» Likes to sing but lacking confidence in his talent, he's shy and private over it. He's actually pretty good when he sings in the right key for his voice. Has a rich baritone and sounds like Barns Courtney (Sinners and You and I are a particularly good voice match).
» Keeps a wad of letters from home and some family photographs in a tin in his left breast pocket. Only some of those letters are opened.
» Kept a diary during the war that's published after his death. His commentary is satirical yet brutally honest and harrowing.
» Has 2 wound stripes; one from losing half of his right ring finger and most of his index finger, the other is from a bullet wound.
» Speak German at an intermediate level, later becomes fluent. Jasper's sometimes present as interpreter when German POW's were interviewed after a raid.
» Inherited a stone Tudor cottage from his grandparents that in Jasper's words is 'run down and overgrown', he never gets a chance to tame the place before he's deployed though he tried. It’s a quaint little place with vines growing up the side, an uneven cobblestone path that’s hell if you’re drunk and a vegetable patch in the front garden. It’s circled by a stone wall with a rusty gate hanging on one hinge that Jasper hasn’t gotten round to fixing.
» Jasper was friends with William from before the war.