


1 month, 23 days ago


"My beauty is your downfall; my vengeance, your eternal torment."


Enchantress of Doom

Allurla is a kitsune whose eight tails signify her age and mystical powers. Driven by a deep hatred for male humans, she roams the realms as a cunning predator. Allurla uses her charms to lure victims into her grasp and devour their souls. Her innocent beauty hides a vengeful heart, making her both irresistibly captivating and dangerously unpredictable.

Song Name by Artist












starlight hollow




soul eater


charm & seduce

cunning seductive charismatic vindictive
  • Depsite her murderous tendencies, she likes pretty things such as butterflies, flowers, and sparkles.
  • She hates it whenever there's blood on her hair or dress.
  • She enjoys the chase, the longer it is, the more satisfactory it will be.

In a realm where spirits and mortals intertwine, Allurla, a powerful nine-tailed kitsune, watched over a small village near her sanctuary. Each of her tails symbolizes a century of protection and devotion to the people and their descendants. However, her world took a turn when she fell in love with a human for the first time.

Allurla could have never imagined that an immortal creature like herself could experience such intense, vulnerable emotions. In all those years of solitude, Allurla finally felt accepted and understood for who she was. Inu, the handsome villager's doctor, saw the loneliness in her eyes and vowed to be there for her until his final breath. Their love grew strong each day as they looked after the village together..

Despite her loyalty and kindness, a group of people believed that all mythical creatures were a danger to humanity due to their powers and immortality. One of the group members was Inu's neighbor and childhood friend, Kira. She believed that Allurla had charmed Inu with a spell and was controlling him with ill intentions..

Kira's jealousy and hatred grew each passing day until she came up with a plan to win over Inu's heart and destroy Allurla. She inflicted injuries upon herself and ran to his home, screaming for help and claiming she had been attacked by a mythical creature. Inu's protective nature rushed into actions as he tended to her injuries and listened to her story. Kira's devasting story of lies was able to plant seeds of doubts in his mind..

After a month of tending to her injuries, Inu slowly distanced himself away from Allurla, afraid that Allurla might cause the same kind of injury to another human. However, Kira managed to convince Inu that they can take advantage of Allurla and sell her tails for immense wealth. Inu captivated by Kira's heroism was foolish enough to let his greed and doubts control his mind. Infatuated with love, Allurla failed to recognize the danger and fell into a trap that caused her to lose one of her tails..

Consumed with pain from the betrayal and loss, Allurla's heart hardened with a burning hatred for all of humanity. She vowed to punish the species that had caused her such anguish for the rest of eternity. Using her enchanting beauty and innocent charms, Allurla lures mortal men into her grasp, devouring their souls to strengthen her powers and feed her hatred.

Design Notes

  • She has eight tails, but is mostly seen with one fluffy tail
  • She has two white hearts underneath her eyes and some light freckles across the cheeks and nose
  • There's a tiny mole on the bottom right lip