


5 years, 6 months ago


The Devilqueen


Forceful • Icy • Superior • Blunt


She's the boss, she's the bad guy, she's the queen. Specifically, the Devilqueen.

Eyes perpetually half-lidded, mouth perpetually curled into a grimace, RoseGold has little interest in anything that doesn't have to do with maintaining her rule, keeping her people alive, or just complete self indulgence. Truly, the queen lives a life of excess, and after clawing her way to the top, slaughtering the previous devilking to take her rightful place on the throne, and taking her regal name, why shouldn't she? And if you even look at her the wrong way for it, she'll be sure to remind you how she got here.

RoseGold believes she's better than you, because, in fact, she is.


  • Body Type: Bipedal/Humanoid, Swallowtail Butterfly-based
  • Height: 5ft 1in / 1.5m
  • Weight: 124lbs / 56kg
  • Wingspan: 17ft 2in / 5.2m


  • 3 gold chains
  • Thorn whip
  • Baby blue letterman jacket with furred collar
  • Baby blue baseball cap
"Suffice to say, I don't think anyone saw luxury as a bad thing until they realized it wasn't something meant for the common folk." -Roland García Tovar, Scriptures of the Mayfly.


After slaughtering KINGKAISER and taking her royal name, RoseGold has had very little desire to interact with humanity herself. She finds the very act of giving humans her time beneath her, and instead surrounds herself with her small, hand-picked court, who all deal with whatever surface world tasks need to be done for her. Rather, RoseGold is keen on keeping devils underground as much as possible, likely in an attempt to preserve what's left of the race. She does care for her people, just less in the sense of being emotionally attached, and more in the sense that she doesnt want her kind to disappear.

RoseGold isn't necessarily proud or arrogant in the traditional sense. She just believes her being better than everyone is a simple fact, and expects everyone to know their place around her. And those that don't will be reminded. Painfully. RoseGold is assertive, forceful, and takes charge of most situations, refusing to be told what to do by anyone. Still, its very difficult to make her particularly upset. Most things and people irritate her, but it's rare for her to fly into a rage. Most punishment is doled out with blunt disinterest, as if she's more upset about her time being wasted than the actual slight against her. She's uninterested in most subjects that don't have to do with her, and she will be sure to tell you she doesn't care whatever the fuck you're talking at her about. Everything she does is for self preservation or self indulgence. With anything else, RoseGold is distant and detatched.

Still, due to her rather uncaring nature, and more importantly, her restrictive laws placed on her own people, she isn't a particularly favorable queen. There have already been several attempts on her life as is. Expected, and easily dealt with, but nonetheless a sign that her rule is built on shaky foundation. And with several past members of her court already having cut ties with her, and several coups already in the works, RoseGold is more than a little stressed and trigger-happy right about now. But she refuses to show any sign of weakness, both out of ego, and out of saftey. She's well aware the moment she lets slip she's scared, the clock is going to start ticking down towards the inevitable fall.


• Shell: Head, neck, and torso are shaped by a smooth, thick carapace, the carapace itself covered in a .5in / 1.3cm layer of solid gold.

• Internal Structure: None. The inside of the shell is filled only with a pink bodily fluid, and is otherwise completely hollow.

• The pink fluid, while remaining inside the body, is cool and soupy. When interacting with oxygen, the fluid thickens, sticks to most surfaces, and resembles bubblegum in look, smell, and taste. Loss of this fluid does not seem to affect the devil.

• The shell, however, can be marred, cracked, and shattered.

• Wings are paperthin and lightweight, but are still capable of carrying the devil without struggle. The wings are covered in sharp, microscopic hairs, with the edges of the wings razor sharp and able to slice through most organic materials.


• Drains color from both objects and living beings via physical contact with the devil's hands. This action is voluntary and can be controlled.

• Thralls affected often act as the 'worst versions of themselves', amplyfying negative traits and dampening positives. Effect remains until color can be returned.

• The devil typically applies the color to her own form, but can also transfer excess or unneeded colors from herself to other objects or beings.

• The devil can likewise reflect light off her own wings to blind onlookers by manipulating and moving the colors on her own form.

• The devil can be drained of color when coming in physical contact with pure black (#000000) and pure white (#FFFFFF). Pure white causes burning sensations and pure black feels of freezing. Draining will continue until contact ceases or the area in question has been colored in.

• The devil has very little influence over humanity directly, rarely leaving The Devilspawn. Instead gains most of her power and validation merely from the act of being the devilqueen, likely having no interest in interacting with the surface.




Probable threat to the crown, but has currently yet to eliminate this iteration of the subject for unknown reasons. May be reconsidering options, taking into account the subject's relentlessness. The situation is still unfolding.



Probable threat. Once apart of the crown's court, has since seperated herself from the queen, according to various accounts. Subject has grown quiet since this event and activity has dropped. Whys and wheres are unknown, but highly unlikely elimination is the reason.



Member in the crown's court, likely highly respected. Rarely observed, found carrying out the crown's orders when spotted. Subject has been confirmed in several recordings and accounts to be undyingly loyal to their queen.



Member of the court. Commonly found eliminating 'threats' to the queen and devilkind. Holds her queen in high regards, but erratic behavoir suggests the subject acts this way towards every devilking. Subject has confirmed the queen's feelings towards her are not mutual. Subject remians unaffected by this.

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