"SEWING HEARTS" (WIP)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

chilli_zai Global Rules


DESIGN TOS/RULES (mainly apply to my own designs)

- once you own a design/adopt of mine, it's yours now, feel free to redesign, change info, etc or whatever, just don't use any of them for hate speech  

- you can turn designs i made that you own into a closed/open species, no need to ask, but keep in mind CS/OS have their own rules when it comes to redesigns etc

- for freebies/raffles characters do atleast add 1 extra art piece before trading/selling away

- single profile only for co-own! 

- this one's really specific but I'd highly appreciated if any of my designs don't get tagged with the LQ/MQ/HQ tag system (basically low quality, medium quality and high quality in short)